Tempted (In Too Deep)

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Book: Tempted (In Too Deep) by Eliza Jane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Jane
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can hear him.
    I answer in a tight nod, not wanting to discuss this with MJ and Logan. MJ is barely okay with me dating Colt as it is. I don’t want to give her any more ammunition against him. But I’ll talk to Reis about this later, I’m sure. He was such a good listener on our run this morning. I release a deep sigh and settle into the booth against this arm.
    MJ’s mouth twitches, watching us. “So Boyfriend Junior, um, I mean Reis.” She smirks. “What are you doing tonight?”
    He chuckles and slides his arm from behind me, moving his hands to his lap. “Whatever Taylor wants. Colt says I’m in charge of watching her.”
    “No one’s in charge of me,” I stipulate.
    “Wow, you two are unconvincing,” MJ mutters, setting down her menu. “Well Logan and I decided that tonight will be a perfect fall night for a bonfire out by the old barn. You guys in?”
    “We’re in,” Reis confirms before I have the chance to answer.
    I shoot him a look.
    “What? You need to relieve some stress , Shrimp. Trust me, okay?”
    I nod my agreement.
    Later that night, MJ and I get ready for the party along with most of the other second year girls in the bathrooms. The atmosphere is alive with energy. Colt, the head of the school is away, McAllister’s long gone and so it’s just Vera, and she stays pretty busy getting the first years settled, which means more freedom and less oversight of us.
    A pair my low slung jeans with sandals and one of my comfy fitted long sleeve tees, adding just minimal makeup to finish my look, and then wait while MJ applies coat after coat of black mascara.
    We gather up Logan and Reis from the common room where they’re playing video games. Reis is dressed in the same dark jeans he had on earlier, but I recognize the sweatshirt he’s wearing as one of Colt’s. It’s heather gray and stretches across his chest, just like it does on Colt. And I know from experience it’s soft and worn.
    We follow the low hum of conversation and laughter across the field and when we round the barn, the bonfire comes into view. The second year guys have lit a roaring blaze that reaches up for the cloudless sky.
    I waste no time grabbing a drink with MJ, just wanting to numb myself from all the annoyances. Colt hasn’t called today. I know if I complain to MJ she’ll tell me the same thing she did earlier this week. That if I’m worried, I should hack into his emails and see for myself if anything shady is going on. I told her that I’d never do that, but now that I’m a few drinks in, it doesn’t sound like the world’s worst idea. It may even calm my nerves to see with my own eyes what his email exchanges with Bria are like. On my third cup of jungle juice, Reis removes the cup from my hand.
    “Come on, I think you’ve had enough to drink. I’m taking you back.”
    “No, stay with me!” I grab his sweatshirt, forcing him closer.
    He chuckles in response. “ Colt’ll have my balls if I let you get too drunk and sick. Come on, Shrimp.”
    “You’re no fun, Reis Palmer.”
    “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He steers me by the shoulders toward the open field. “Think you can make it back?”
    “Mm hmm,” I hiccup.
    He laughs and signals to MJ that we’re leaving. She gives us a strange smile and a wave.
    Reis holds my hand all the way back to the school, intertwining our fingers. We fit together perfectly. Just like Colt and me. The thought of Colt sends a shockwave through my system, my stomach quivers in response.
    I tug his hand. “I don’t feel so good.”
    He faces me, lifting my chin to meet his eyes. I try to watch on his face, but it comes in and out of focus. “Shit,” he swears under his breath. “I shouldn’t have let you drink so much.” His eyes scan mine. “Do you drink like this with him?”
    Him. Colt. I shake my head no.
    He curses again. “Come on. I can’t have Vera finding you drunk. If you’re going to be sick tonight, you’ll have to stay with me in Colt’s room.

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