I’ll take care of everything.”
He leads me up the stairs to Colt’s room and unlocks the door. When he flips on the lights, I let out a grunt and try to shield my eyes. He chuckles. “Okay, no lights.”
I sit on the bed and the room spins and tilts. I know I’m going to be sick, it’s just a matter of when. “Help me to the bathroom,” I mumble. It comes out sounding like m elpmetobrom .
Reis lifts me from the bed and carries me into the bathroom, depositing me on the floor near the toilet. There’s something about sitting on the cool tile of a bathroom floor with the toilet at eye level that humbles you. I feel completely helpless. I close my eyes and breathe through my nose. I sense Reis is still standing next to me.
“Leave.” I wave him away. I don’t want him to see me get sick.
He takes a step back, and closes us both in the bathroom. Before I have time to deal with his presence, my stomach lurches violently and I heave over the toilet. I cough and sputter, and when I’m finally done, I realize that Reis is standing behind me, holding my hair away from my face.
“Are you done?” he whispers.
I lean my forehead against the toilet seat and whimper. My throat is raw, burnt to hell. I am never drinking again.
Reis lifts me up, and after making sure I’ll be steady, he reaches over and flushes the toilet. Ew. I don’t even want to know what it looked like in there. I had tacos for dinner and three big cups of jungle juice. My stomach lurches again, but I keep it under control.
“You got some, ah…” Reis motions to the front of my shirt, which has a wet spot of vomit staining the fabric.
I lift my arms over my head, and without another word, Reis peels the shirt from my body. After helping me brush my teeth, he steers me to Colt’s bed.
He pulls down the covers while I peel off my jeans. I should feel embarrassed s tanding in front of Reis in just a pair of panties and my bra, but those feelings are strangely absent. He has a calming effect on me. He helps me into one of Colt’s oversized T-shirts and then into bed.
I expect him lay down next to me, but he gathers up an extra pillow and heads to the other side of the room.
“Wait. Reis…” I reach my arm out for him. “Don’t go.”
His eyes devour my bare legs. “What do you want?” His low voice washes over me. It’s so similar to Colt’s it makes my insides clench.
“I want…I want…” I reach for him again. “I don’t want to be alone.”
His eyes rake over me, stopping on my outstretched hand. “So I’m second best when you can’t have the guy you want?” His voice is soft, just a whisper.
I stay quiet. I can’t deny the truth in his words. But somehow I know he won’t leave.
Reis lets out a long sigh. “You don’t have to make up an excuse to ask me to hold you. You’re my brother’s girl. Which practically makes you mine to look after while he’s gone. Come here. Let me hold you.”
He strips off his shirt and jeans, and wearing just his boxer briefs, climbs in beside me.
I smile and snuggle into his chest, breathing in his scent. It’s different than Colt’s, but masculine and comforting just the same.
“Colt?” I yawn.
“It’s Reis, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
I mentally thump myself on the forehead. “Oh yeah, I mean Reis. Thanks for taking care of me.”
“ Shh. Just sleep. If this is all I can get from you, I’ll take it. Colt is a damn lucky bastard.”
I k now it’s bad to use him this way, but he doesn’t seem to mind either.
I let his calming breaths whisper over the back of my neck. However we rationalize this to ourselves, I know it’s borderline inappropriate. Reis would like there to be something more between us, and I’m simply filling a void in Colt’s absence. But that last thought before I drift to sleep doesn’t stop me from cuddling in closer to Reis’s arms, letting him pull me firmly to his chest.
Chapter 16
“Come on, we can’t
Jordan Silver
Jack Hunt
Michele Sinclair
L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt
Bethany Bazile
Kiki Swinson
A Kiss in the Dark
Diana L. Sharples
Steve Ulfelder
Irwin Shaw