would see to your comfort. If you want to be alone, be my guest.” She left the room.
Chapter Six
Steve counted to ten and then ten again. When he reached a hundred his hands unclenched. The apartment door slammed. He reached for his cell and connected to his sister’s number. “Call me immediately. It’s about Simone.”
Moments later he heard her ring. “What did Simone tell you?”
“That you wanted her to come and spend a few days.”
“She lied. I don’t care if she’s your friend. We are not and never will be a couple. Do you understand?”
“But you’re so perfect for each other.”
“Your opinion or hers?”
The pause lasted at least a minute. “She was always telling me how perfect you two were. You even quit as staff photographer of her magazine so you could date.”
“Another lie. We were together for a month. Then she wanted control. Wasn’t going to happen.”
“Sorry. I’ll stop by this evening. Do you need anything?”
“How long will you be in the cast?”
“The doctor in Nome said three more weeks at least. I should see a doctor here. Any ideas?”
“I know several. I’ll see who has an opening for a day when I can drive you.”
“Good enough.” The doorbell rang. “Someone’s at the door. Talk to you later.” He wheeled the chair to the foyer. If Simone had returned he just might run her down.
He clicked the lock to open. Allie pushed into the room. “You’ve really done it this time.”
“Done what?”
“What did you do to my sister?”
“Nothing she didn’t want.”
A frown furrowed Allie’s brow. “Why did I meet her in the parking lot looking as if she would burst into tears?”
Steve groaned. “Simone dropped by. I bet she dripped poison in your sister’s ears. Getting involved with that bitch wasn’t one of my brighter moments.”
“Serves you right but not whatever she did to Meg wasn’t nice.”
He reached for her hand and missed. “Give me Meg’s address. I’m going after her.”
“How?” Allie tapped his cast. “Driving will be hard not to mention dangerous.”
“I’ll take a cab.”
Allie laughed. “If she even lets you in she might knock you down. You’re not her favorite person.”
“Then give me her phone number and I’ll call.”
“Can’t do that.” She crossed her arms. “Would mean my life if I did. You’ve a better chance of reaching her at the office. She wouldn’t explode when there’s an audience.”
Steve didn’t believe her. “She’ll go after me there. Remember when Simone stole her exclusive. She certainly spewed a lot of words that day. Thought you were my friend.”
“I am.”
“You’re not helping me one bit.”
Allie laughed. “I see.”
He shook his head. “No you don’t. I need to see her. I need to explain…explain…” He closed his mouth with a snap. He didn’t. He’d never. He couldn’t. He released a breath. He did and he wasn’t sure when love happened. His first day at the office? When she’d lost her temper? Her blushes had intrigued him and challenged him to provoke more reactions.
Allie laughed and leaned against the door. “You’re caught. Always thought there was an interesting tension between you and my little sister.”
Steve sucked in a deep breath. “You could say that.” Tension was another word for heat. No denying what he felt. “What do I do? Help me. You know how.”
“Eat crow.”
“Seriously. Some advice is in order. You and Greg had a rough start. How did you manage to reunite?”
“Our split was different. We were both guilty of listening to others instead of to ourselves. There was parental misinformation. You did this on your own.”
Steve grasped her hand. “What did Greg do to win you back?”
“Seduced me with food. You know that’s my thing.”
Steve laughed softly. “I know the way to your sister’s heart. Three weeks from now I’ll act and I’ll know if I’m right.”
“That long.” Allie
Jordan Silver
Jack Hunt
Michele Sinclair
L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt
Bethany Bazile
Kiki Swinson
A Kiss in the Dark
Diana L. Sharples
Steve Ulfelder
Irwin Shaw