Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance

Read Online Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance by Rose Cody - Free Book Online

Book: Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance by Rose Cody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Cody
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basement before yanking her by her wrist on the last few steps, pulling her to the floor.
    “A little fucking help here!” He says, looking back to his goons as he pushes Lily’s face to the floor, straddling her back as he keeps her on the ground.
      She cries against the cold concrete as she feels someone hold her fighting ankles together while rough, prickly rope wraps around them making it impossible to move.
    “You’re making a mistake!” She says, coughing to relieve her dry, aching throat as she feels the leader get off of her before pulling her up to her butt.
    “No mistake, sweetheart.” He says, shaking his head as he pulls her hands behind her back and roughly ties them together.
    “What do you want from me?” She asks, desperately trying to struggle out of the rope before he roughly pushes her to the floor.
    “What do I want?” He asks himself as he steps away from her, walking back and forth in front of her. “I want that traitor, Jason, to get what he deserves. You’ve been pretty close with him for a while now, haven’t you…”
    “I have nothing to do with this. Please!” She begs, wiping her face against the floor as she shakes her head.
    “Nothing to do with this?” He asks, walking over to the staircase with haste to pick up her bag before stepping back in front of her.
      He unzips it, turning it over and shaking it out, loose money and bags of weed falling onto her.
      The man squats down in front of her, picking up a handful of baggies and cash before tossing it in her face.
    “This is mine!” He screams, his spit flying onto her as he stands back up. “You and the Demonios are selling my product!”
    “Please, I’m not with them…” She begs. “I’m just some girl they hired. I promise. Please!”
    “Oh, just some girl?” He asks as he walks up behind her before kneeling down.
      Lily’s heart stops as he grabs her hand before he wraps his fingers around the ring on her middle finger and roughly slides it off.
    “Where did you get this from?” He asks, walking back around in front of her before getting in her face, spinning the ring around in his fingers as he holds it in front of her eyes. “A gumball machine? Do you think I’m stupid or something.”
    “No!” She sobs, shaking her head. “I don’t!”
    “Then you’re going to stop lying to me, you got that?” He says, reaching out and holding her chin in his hand as he gently brushes his fingers over her cheek. “I bet he would do anything for you, huh?”
      She holds herself still, squeezing her eyes shut as she feels the air around her move as he stands back up.
    “I bet once he knows you’re here, he won’t stop at nothing to bring you home, will he?” He says to himself, pacing back and forth as he gazes down at the ring in his hand. “All we have to do is get him here.”

Chapter 11
      Jason leans with his back against the counter as he puts his cellphone back in the inside pocket of his jacket before walking over to the fridge, opening up the door and pulling out a beer.
    “Still no answer?” He hears from a man sitting at the table with his feet resting on an empty chair.
    “No.” Jason says, walking up to the table and pulling out a chair before sitting down and twisting off the cap of his beverage with the palm of his hand.
      He takes a swig, sucking down the amber ale before sighing as he rests the bottle on the table.
    “It’s not like her.” He says, shaking his head. “Wasn’t at her place last night, not answering her phone this morning…”
    “You think she just fucked off?” His friend asks, reaching for the newspaper before shaking it open. “I mean, she has been selling up a storm, what’s to say she didn’t take all that money and skip town?”
    “What?” Jason asks, scrunching up his face as he straightens his shoulders. “No, man, that’s not her.

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