Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance

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Book: Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance by Rose Cody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Cody
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his heart races in his chest before quickly stepping up the rest of the stairs and swinging his arm back before rushing it into the side of the man’s neck.
    “I’m sorry, Don.” He says, twisting the knife as he watches the blood drain down the front of the guy’s t-shirt. “I didn’t want to have to do this.” He pulls out his knife before wiping the stained blade against the dead man’s shoulder. “I actually kind of liked you, bud.”
      He clears his throat as he lets go of the man, watching him slump over before reaching for the doorknob of the front door.
      Jason twists it, surprised to find it unlocked before carefully swinging it open as he stands off to the side before poking his head through the doorway.
      He scans the room, stepping inside as he finds no one, his ears perking up as he hears the rushing flush of the toilet coming from the bathroom.
    “You never did get that fixed you cheap bastard.” He whispers to himself, gliding across the carpet and down the hall before planting himself silently beside the bathroom door.
      He holds his breath as he hears the door squeak open before watching a leather clad man step out.
      Jason reaches out, quickly grabbing the man from behind, covering his mouth with his hand as they struggle to the ground.
      He gets on top of him before sinking the knife into his chest, catching it against bone before pulling out and stabbing again.
    “Where is she!?” He whispers harshly, pressing his forehead against the coughing man’s.
    “Fuck… you, Jason.” The man spits out, as blood pools at his lips before sliding down the side of his face.
      Jason lifts him by the shoulder before pushing him back down against the ground in frustration. He gets up from his straddle on the man before spinning around the hall and making his way back into the living room.
    “They’ve got to be fucking here…” Jason says to himself  as he walks into the kitchen, smirking as he notices a faint light coming from under the door to the basement. “Bingo.”
      He walks over to the door, pushing it open before hearing a faint sobbing coming from down the stairs.

Chapter 13
    “Shh… you have to be quiet sweetheart.” The man says, kneeling down beside her and wrapping his arms around her as they listen to the commotion upstairs.
      He brushes his fingers against her face before pressing his palm against her mouth, cutting off her air.
    “If you cooperate.” He whispers into her ear. “I’ll let you go. But if you don’t…” He says, pulling her head back to look into her swollen green eyes. “I’ll kill you in front of him. Do you understand?”
      Lily nods her head vigorously up and down choking back a sob as she listens to the footsteps in the living room upstairs.
    “Good.” He says, standing up beside her and walking over to the stairs before peering up the staircase into the kitchen before reaching against the wall and flicking on the light. “Let’s get his attention, shall we?”
      She whimpers as she hears him the footsteps find their way into the kitchen as she watches the man back up towards her, reaching for the gun on his holster.
    “Stop. Crying.” He says as he hears the door squeak open at the top of the stairs.
      Lily shakes her head, her tears falling freely as she lets out a set of soft sobs as she hears the stairs begin to creak.
    “Jason!” She screams, pushing herself away from the gunman across the floor before falling onto her side as her eyes catch him.
    “Lily!” He says, stepping forward and reaching his arm out to her.
    “Not so fast.” The man says, holding up his gun and pointing it towards Jason. “Don’t take another step.”
      “What do you want, Durand?” Jason asks as he massages his fingers over the handle of his knife down by his side.
    “You know exactly what I want, Jason.” The man says,

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