She wouldn’t do that.”
“Jason, come on…” He says flipping through the pages before tossing the paper back on the table. “You barely know the girl…”
“I know her enough to know she wouldn’t do that.” He says, stretching his neck to look into the living room as he hears a thud on the porch. “What the fuck is Mike doing out there.”
“I don’t know what he does out there, not any of my business…” His friend says, looking up from the table before pointing down the hall. “But it’s not Mike.”
Jason turns his head in his chair, watching Mike walk down the hall from the bathroom.
“Guess the party’s starting early today.” He says, lifting his beer from the table top and bringing it up to his lips.
He tosses the empty bottle over to a green plastic bin by the back door, nearly missing as it lands amongst the other bottle with a clunk.
“Hey, boys!” Jason hears coming from the living room and he looks back over towards the door, watching Mike close it behind him as he comes back into the house.
“What you got there, Mike.” He asks, sniffing as he leans back in his chair, lifting the front legs slightly off the ground.
“It was in my seat…” Mike says, tossing a small, white cardboard box on the table.
Jason sits up, sucking his teeth as he lifts the box suspiciously before wiping his fingers over his name written in permanent marker on the lid.
He lifts the top slowly, pulling out a little bundle of something wrapped in a grocery store flyer before noticing some writing on the back of the lid.
“Come and find us…” He reads, puzzled before tossing the lid back onto the table.
He unwraps the flyers, not finding anything until he hears a sudden ding as something hits the table.
“What the?” He whispers to himself, his heart sinking in his chest as he notices this gold ring spinning on the table.
He presses his hand down onto it, stopping it’s movement before pinching it between his fingers and picking it up table.
“Those… FUCKERS!” He screams, pushing his chair out as he stands up from the table as he gazes down at the ring in his hand.
“What do you mean?” The biker from across the table asks, his feet falling to the floor as he leans forward over the table.
“They got her, they FUCKING got her!” Jason says, squeezing the ring in his hand.
“Who, Jason?” Fat Mike asks.
“The Serpentines…” He says, his voice hissing. “Rich Durand…they fucking got her.”
“Don’t worry, buddy.” The biker from across the table says, standing up and reaching into his pocket for his phone. “We make a few calls, we get all the guys over here… we’ll have her home by the end of the day…”
“No.” Jason says, standing up straight as he stuffs the ring into the pocket of his leather jacket. “This…this I gotta do alone.”
“Alone?” Mike says, shaking his head. “Are you kidding me?”
“We have unfinished business.” Jason says as he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room before pushing the front door open. “This ends now.”
Chapter 12
Jason gets off his bike at the end of the block of the old street he used to call home before running towards his old club house, ducking down behind the neighbour’s bushes and brushing the leaves out of the way.
“Just one of you out front?” He asks to no one in particular before following the hedge down past the side of the house and pushing himself through the foliage as quietly as possible.
Jason walks up to the porch, kneeling down as he watches his old friend’s chest rise and fall as he rests his head against the siding, his eyes closed to keep out the sun as he sleeps.
He steps up the stairs, stopping as they creak before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a small pocket knife.
He flips it around in his fingers as
Candace Bushnell
Roger Zelazny
Jason Derleth
Elizabeth Adler
Jane Kindred
Janel Gradowski
Goldie Hawn
Becca Jameson
Jane Lindskold