The Alpha's Captive

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Book: The Alpha's Captive by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
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family, but there was no way she could tear her gaze away now.
    The wolf approached Lorcan, pressed its nose to his hand, and made a grunting sound that was clear in the night air. A soft murmur was all she could hear of Lorcan’s response. It seemed to mean something.
    Before Hannah’s astounded eyes, the wolf began to change shape and size. It grew smaller, the fur faded from its limbs and the long snout retracted toward a face that was quickly becoming human. Halfway between man and animal it looked like a tortured thing, grunting with what seemed to be pain. As the change continued the utterances started sounding more human and finally the creature rose on two feet and stood erect, a man in every respect and portion of his anatomy.
    She could not believe it. It was literally unbelievable. A beast had turned into a man. There were legends, of course there were legends about such things, but Hannah had never believed them. Nobody believed them, because such tales were not possible. And yet her wide eyes were looking at a naked man standing proudly in front of Lorcan, a man who had not been there before the wolf’s arrival. A werewolf. A real, live werewolf.
    As she watched, several of the other people started to disrobe. Lorcan was still dressed, but next to him his sister Sacha was one of the ones taking her clothes off. Hannah watched thoroughly entranced as the woman’s lithe naked body came into view, along with the equally toned bodies of the others. They were all in excellent shape.
    And then they too began to change, reversing the process she had just borne witness to. They crouched down and their bodies grew longer and thicker. Their faces transformed from human to carnivore, teeth elongating, mouths becoming snouts. It was no less shocking the second time than it had been the first. If anything, it was more horrifying, for the first time Hannah might have been able to tell herself that she had merely imagined it, that her brain was in some fevered state from extended travel, some deep form of homesickness that made her fancy that a big dog had become a man. But now at least six wolves stood on Lorcan’s front lawn, crowding about the naked newcomer, licking his bare body, sniffing him with great interest.
    It was obviously their form of greeting, and now that they were wolves, Hannah felt her shock subsiding again. It was as if her mind simply could not understand what it was seeing, and as soon as the creatures before her became either one thing or the other it immediately asserted that the transition had not happened at all. And yet she knew it had.
    As Hannah tried to come to terms with what she had seen, one of the wolves broke away from the pack and began to circle more widely around the group. It was a very dark wolf that seemed to almost disappear when Hannah moved the binoculars from her face. She was fairly certain that it was Sacha. There was something about its demeanor that reminded her of the woman.
    Hannah hunkered down in her hiding place and though the wolf was still a long way off, tried not to breathe too loud or make anything in the way of noise. The wolf seemed to be looking for something, and Hannah didn’t know if it was merely making a security minded pass, searching for a succulent bunny, or if perhaps Sacha had sensed her in some intangible way.
    With every step Sacha the wolf took, Hannah became more convinced that it was the latter option. As the moon came out from behind dark clouds, she no longer needed the binoculars to see the creature drawing nearer to her, golden eyes lit by the silver light. The wolf’s mouth was open, nostrils lifted high as it tasted the air.
    Fear shot through Hannah’s belly, a primal fear that only a human who has been hunted by a much more powerful beast can ever know. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest she was almost certain that it was audible outside her body.
    Sacha the wolf lowered her head and for the briefest of moments, their eyes met.

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