Stone Soldiers 5: Black Knight Down

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Book: Stone Soldiers 5: Black Knight Down by C. E. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. E. Martin
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and Soldiers, all in utility uniforms from their respective branches of service. Department heads from the various units assigned to the Tower, they were all wondering what this rare meeting was about.
    "Ladies and gentlemen," Colonel Kenslir began. "There's been quite a few changes around here, and more are coming."
    Everyone picked up the tablets laid out on the table before them and began reading along.
    "First off, we're separating into two teams- Alpha and Bravo. For you new Stone Soldiers, when your training is complete, three of you will join Captain Smith in Hawaii. Johnson- you'll remain here in Miami with Bravo team, under the command of Colonel Phillips."
    Jimmy raised his hand. "Two teams?"
    "After the events of the past few months, the Pentagon has decided to proceed with Phase II of the Medusa program. Two teams, positioned on opposite sides of the country for reduced response times. The two back up MA-12s and a new MB-1R will be deployed to Pearl. Major Karr and her crew will remain here in Miami with another Lancer and our two Ravens."
    One of the Air Force officers in tigerstripe digital camouflage raised a hand. "What about Tower security?"
    "No changes- Pearl will be providing their own security for our Team there. Miami will remain Detachment HQ- we'll just have a team permanently deployed for more rapid response in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. "
    Josie raised a hand. "What about us?" she asked, indicating herself and Jimmy.
    "You'll remain here in Miami as well. Victor is being replaced on Alpha team with a new candidate-"
    "What?" Victor sat up in his chair, his stone face showing surprise.
    " I've convinced the brass that an investigative team is still necessary. Despite your inability to blend in with the general population, you'll be a part of that team, Mr. Hornbeck. Along with Ms. Winters and myself. "
    "Uh, and me?" Jimmy asked, looking around.
    "Your status will be determined once we get a better understanding of your current state. You and Ms. Winters will be accompanying me to an offsite facility where one of our top researchers will evaluate you."
    "So how long does this training last? Dean Johnson asked.
    "As long as it takes," Kenslir said. "We'll have to hope nothing comes up where we need a team before then."
    "And the anomaly?" Josie asked.
    Kenslir frowned. "As you're all no doubt aware, a satellite of unknown origins has crashed in Oklahoma. Myself, Hornbeck and Winters have investigated and determined it to be a Dark Object. The Air Force is moving it to another facility where it will be studied. As such, it is no longer a Detachment concern, and we are under orders to not discuss the matter any further. All section heads are to ensure a complete sanitizing of all records regarding the matter."
    "But it's magic!" Josie said. "I thought that was our job?"
    "Until it demonstrates a threat to national security, it is not our concern. "
    "Well, that's kind of anti-climatic," Victor said under his breath.
    In Salem, Oklahoma, Lt. Col. Hunt felt the same way. He handed over a large binder to a man in a tan and black, civilian paramilitary uniform.
    "The Object is now officially your problem, Mr. Smith."
    Smith, a thin-faced man with high cheek bones and beady eyes, accepted the folder smugly. "That's Marshal Smith," he said, raising one shoulder a bit higher so the winged rank tab on his Black Cauldron private security uniform could be seen better.
    "Right," Hunt said, putting a cigar in his mouth. "Have fun with it, Marshal ."
    Hunt turned and walked away, climbing into the back of the last troop transport truck to ride with his men. He keyed the throat microphone he wore. "All good, let's head out."
    The column of trucks and Humvees started up, rolling out into the setting sun, headed for the nearby airport where they would load up on Air Force transports and be flown back to their respective bases.
    Hunt watched the crash site dwindle from view as the convoy headed away. The

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