A Lova' Like No Otha'

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Book: A Lova' Like No Otha' by Stephanie Perry Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Perry Moore
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Aisha. I only had a few precious minutes with Chase and I wasn't going to waste them talking about Devyn's whore. “So, what do you do in your free time? Check out the Seattle females?”
    “Free time?” He chuckled. “Every minute I got, I'm in my play book trying to study. It's all I can do to find time to get on my knees and pray every day.”
    I noticed he didn't say he'd been thinking of me. But I understood how stressed out he was. The only thing he could think about was football. “Look, I know you don't have much time to spare, so I'll let you go. But I'm really glad you called.”
    “I just wanted to let you know I made it here okay. I'll be in touch. Take care of yourself, okay?”
    “I will,” I promised.
    I hung up the phone and looked around the living room. Empty soda cans, napkins, wrappers and used paper plates were scattered throughout and I realized that I'd been wasting all my time eating and watching TV. That had to change.
    I spent the rest of the week cleaning up the apartment. When I woke up on Sunday, it was spotless. I tossed the jeans that I'd been wearing into a laundry basket and put on a casual pantsuit. Then for the first time in over a week, I headed out the door. My first stop was going to be the grocery store to pick up some healthy snacks and a newspaper, hopefully filled with classified job ads.
    But when I got to my car, I noticed that my two back tires were completely flat. “This is ridiculous,” I groaned, kicking one of the tires as if my venting would make it return to its normal size. What could I have run over that would have put holes in not only one tire but two?
    I walked to the front of my car. Those two tires were fine. It was strange. Then, a second later, it hit me. Aisha!
    “Why can't that crazy chick leave me alone?” I fumed out loud. I stormed back into the apartment and called the police.
    “I want to report a crime,” I said. “And I'm pretty sure I know who did it!”
    “Please hold,” the operator said.
    I waited for ages, listening to stupid elevator music and tapping my foot. I was getting angrier by the minute.
    I don't know how long I was waiting, when I heard a knock on the door. The Muzak was still playing in my ear, so I hung up. I would take care of Aisha later.
    I opened the door and stood shocked, but only for a moment. I tried to press the door closed, but Aisha held out her hand just in time.
    “Get away from this door!” I hollered. “You already done cut my tires. Ain't that enough for one day?”
    “You're trippin', girl! First you don't wanna speak to me on the phone and now you're tryin' to slam the door in my face. What's wrong with you?”
    “What's wrong with me?” I screamed. “You're what's wrong with me, you lunatic!”
    “Lunatic? Look, we need to talk.”
    “And why should I talk to your crazy behind, you tire slasher?”
    “Hey, I didn't cut your tires,” she said.
    “Oh, okay. So I'm stupid now? I got dummy written across my forehead? Go tell it to somebody who believes your crazy lies.”
    “Well, I got some things to say to you. So you gonna let me in, or we gonna stand here hollerin' at each other, huh?”
    I crossed my arms in front of me, not budging.
    “Look, Zoe, I ain't done nothin' to your tires. You gotta learn not to accuse folks without proof to back you up.”
    “So, are you saying you did it, but there just ain't any evidence to prove it?”
    “No,” said Aisha, but a shiftiness in her eyes told me she was lying. “I ain't sayin' nothin'. 'Cept that you need to stop tryin' to get back with my man!”
    “What are you talkin' about? It's over with me and Devyn. Clearly over. The last time I saw him, he was here only for a few minutes to pick up his junk—”
    “Yeah, right,” Aisha cut in. “He came over here several times last week to get the rest of his stuff. And I'm sure you remember the last time. Especially since you took off all your clothes and wouldn't let him leave. You got a lot of

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