Sex and the Single Vamp
friends, and other times…they weren’t.
    “So what is he today?”
    “A business partner.”
    “Got it.” Her expression said she didn’t but he let it go, enjoying the sexy little way she squinted and tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth when she was figuring something out for herself. Cici turned to head up the stairs to her back door, her keys jangling loudly in the quiet of the evening.
    “You need to change.” Deacon watched her ass sway in front of him at eye level, just realizing how good this part of the night’s activities was going to be for him. “Something sexy. Tight. Suitable for clubbing.”
    “We’re going to Sanctuary.”
    “What?” She spun to stare down at him. “I’m not going to that place.”
    “Yes, you are. I need to talk to Antonio, and if you’re with me you’re not getting arrested by the cops.”
    “That place is…” Her entire expression twisted as if someone had left the lid off the nearby trash Dumpster. “That place is disgusting.”
    “I’m sorry. Who died and made you judge? For someone who’s all about Others and humans having a choice, you’re really narrow-minded about what their options are.”
    “That’s not true.”
    “Really?” He advanced on her, moving up the stairs until he stood on the same step. Deacon knew he loomed over her and should probably back off, but if she was going to spout off bullshit then she was going to have to deal with him being a jerk. “You say everyone should have a choice and for some people that’s having more than one person, sometimes at the same time. That’s okay. As long as they are honest with each other, up-front and consenting, there should be no limits imposed by some third party.”
    “That place encourages that behavior, people using other people.”
    “Nobody gets used unless they want it.” He reined in his temper, knowing he wouldn’t change her mind. They didn’t have all the time in the world. “Your moral indignation on behalf of people you don’t even know is duly noted. Now get your ass in gear and get changed.”
    “But you need an invite to get in there.”
    “I don’t.” Deacon reached up and took her keys out of her hand, unlocking her door. At this rate, Sanctuary would be closed before they got out of her apartment. Even vampires didn’t stay up all night.
    “Really?” She planted her hand on her hip, belligerent challenge reverberating through every muscle of her body. “Why don’t you need an invitation?”
    Damn, he knew there was real danger out there and he had no business enjoying this time with Cici. He’d missed her. Missed her pit bull determination and crazy-ass bravery when the odds were really shitty. And he loved moments like this when he knew he was going to blow her fucking mind.
    “Because I own it.”

Chapter Six
    Sanctuary was no sanctuary.
    Not in the true sense of being a place of safety and peace. It was a cavern of shadows, driving beats that vibrated in the blood of the crowd, an inferno where no one was safe from the flames of lust that warmed, singed, and consumed.
    The club had been conceived over a drunken weekend in Italy. Antonio Di Pietro was bored, Deacon was feeling indulgent, and they both had money to throw away. The concept had been easy–they both loved sex and booze and the combination almost guaranteed some measure of success.
    Antonio had designed the interior, layering in the seven deadly sins as an artist would use shades of color to entice, seduce, and enthrall a viewer. He wanted their guests to forget the world outside the club’s doors and fully become their souls’ darkest desires. He presided over each evening’s festivities like the king of the underworld from a booth on the far side of the room.
    Deacon was content to be a silent partner.
    The moment Deacon entered with Cici, Antonio’s dark eyes swiveled to meet his own while he continued to listen to his pretty companion. He still looked

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