Sex and the Single Vamp
    “Mya! You’re here?”
    Deacon did a double take. Mya? He took a good, hard look at the man, still not seeing any trace of the blond-haired woman he’d met in Cici’s office hours earlier. The guy turned and winked at him and instantly he recognized the same knowing gleam in those dark eyes.
    “Surprised, vampire?” Mya asked, a huge grin of white teeth splitting the mocha brown skin of the manly face with a substantial five-o’clock shadow.
    “No matter how old I get, I’ll never get used to that,” he said.
    “While you’re getting over your shock, I’m taking my girl dancing.” Mya grabbed Cici’s arm, halting when Deacon took a step forward to stop them. She shook her head and waved a hand over the expanse of long, huge body she now inhabited. “What? You think I can’t protect her in this form?”
    He knew she could. Mya possessed the strength of an ancient fey no matter what form she was in. She’d take care of Cici while he pumped Antonio for info.
    Mya smirked, not bothering to hide her “I told you so” expression. “Good choice. Besides, everyone in here knows she belongs to you. You made that perfectly clear.”
    Cici’s head swiveled between the two of them, confusion and curiosity swimming in her eyes. He’d be answering lots of questions later.
    Deacon watched them both melt into the edge of the dancing crowd and he didn’t miss the appreciative glances of the men and women aimed at Cici. She looked amazing. Her hair was a curly mass of fire as it tumbled around her face and shoulders. Her black minidress was cut low in the front and rode high on her thighs, allowing ample opportunity for anyone to admire miles and miles of creamy, pale skin. He didn’t like it one damn bit.
    “You either need to go grab her and get a room, or sit your ass down and ask me whatever you came here to ask. Mya and I have an appointment later,” Antonio said from where he still sat at his table.
    “Mya?” Deacon looked down on his business partner as he slid into the chair next to him. “Really?”
    “I’m going to live forever. What do I care about gender hang-ups?” Antonio shrugged. “Mya is a good time and doesn’t ever expect more than that.”
    “She’s…he’s…a good friend to Cici. That’s all that I give a shit about.” Deacon took the glass of his favorite whiskey from the waitress.
    “So, that’s the woman who’s had your dick tied up for the last two centuries?”
    Deacon took a gulp of the whiskey, letting it slide down in a slow burn as he stifled the urge to punch Antonio in the face.
    “I cannot tell you how much I regret getting drunk that night and telling you anything about my life,” Deacon said, keeping Cici in his sight.
    “We’d barely survived that gunfight, and Marshall Earp was buying.”
    “Cheap whiskey.”
    “And even cheaper women as I recall,” Antonio said. “Women you took to bed but would never feed from. You’d drop them like a bad habit when they even thought about getting close.” He nodded his chin at Cici dancing a few feet away. “That night. It was the first and one of the few times I’ve heard her name.”
    “Well, this conversation is going to make your night because it’s all about her.”
    Antonio saluted him with a drink. “I never thought you’d voluntarily submit to neutering.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “If you brought her here then I can assume you’re sleeping with her, and that leads to my most logical conclusion that you have gone over to the dark side and will soon commit unholy matrimony.”
    “No. No.” Deacon reeled back from the topic of conversation. He needed to clear up this misunderstanding pronto, but he wasn’t going to give Antonio all the juicy details. “Our arrangement will not end in any kind of matrimony, joint bank accounts, or a shared pet. Trust me on that.”
    “So you’ve corrupted the poster child for true love?” Antonio laughed as he took another swig of whiskey from

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