bad-ass cons."
"No, Villa, it's just like plumbing. You tighten all the connections and the water goes where you want it to. Same with the cons. You tighten up and they'll do what you want. Williwaw's the problem."
"Yeah.Yeah, well thanks for the medallion."
The door from the outside burst open again. It was Doc Raymond. "Tough shit, Gilmore," he said, broadcasting to everyone in the room, "Us good guys got the power plant and the communications center and we got this fucking airport sewed up."
Frank glanced at Gilmore, a few back in the line. Gilmore just smiled.
Doc came right up to Frank's table. He looked and smelled wet, dank - like a damp basement.Frank asked him quietly, "What about the officers' club?"
Frank wanted the club for a school and a family recreation center, maybe even for his own office. It was one of the few buildings not damaged by earthquakes or wind. The building had more than just the officers' club in it: an auditorium, a bar, a dining room and hotel-type rooms for bachelor officers.
"SOBs got it," Doc said in a low voice. "I'm going to the clinic now and get set up. Send Gilmore over and I'll give him some electro-shock therapy with his feet in water."
Doc left.The next man in line was the man Frank hoped would be his answer to getting control of this island, a con the others called The Killer Gorilla, Joe Britt. Britt had killed his first wife's lover, but then, in prison, when the mob tried to recruit him as an enforcer, he put two men in the hospital and two in the morgue. He would be perfect as a policeman.
The big man - he was six foot tall and well over two hundred pounds - stepped forward with his wife, Maggie. They were holding hands. Frank remembered waiting in a line with Judy long ago, holding her hand, the two of them trying to get into public housing. Under the table he reached over and touched Judy on the leg, but then pulled his hand back quickly, afraid he'd done wrong. She smiled at him and reached for his hand, then touched his leg and put her hand on the inside of his thigh.
Passion shot through him. Someone else would have to do this bureaucratic bullshit. He was going home with Judy.
Maggie Britt was asking him a question. "I'm sorry. Once again?"
"Where's the factory gonna be, Mister Villa?"
Frank indicated a building near the runway. "Just call me, Frank."
"Okay.Look, Joe, here's Bering Hill where we're gonna live. We've been studying the map you sent us, Mister Villa."
Frank opened the strong box the Feds gave him and handed Britt his two hundred dollars.
"Joe says we're gonna save some money and build a little cabin and Joe's gonna get a car and - listen, Mister Villa, Joe and I want to thank you for arranging all this. Oh - is this your wife? We changed seats on the plane."
Frank made the introductions. He liked Maggie. Joe, her husband, was like a chained King Kong, but her simple love seemed more powerful than his muscle.
Maggie went to the side of Frank's table and grasped Judy's hand. "Your husband has done such a wonderful thing."
Judy nodded.
"Where are you staying?"
Judy turned to Frank. "What's it called, where we're staying?"
"Bering Hill."
"Isn't that wonderful? That's where we're staying. I can't wait to get there. How about you?"
"I have to wait for Frank."
"Why don't Joe and I take you up there while Frank finishes his work?"
Frank looked at Judy. She was exhausted. And he couldn't just leave the cash box, especially with Boss Gilmore next in line. Maggie's suggestion was a good one.
"I'd like that," Judy said. "I want to get settled. You'll be along soon, Frank?"
He squeezed her hand as she left. The soft touch of her. Again he felt passion, but - the power plant. The lights had gone out twice in the last hour. And Gilmore. Gilmore was next.
Frank watched her go, that walk, that wiggle, but no - countless times
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