In Between Seasons (The Fall)

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Book: In Between Seasons (The Fall) by Cassandra Giovanni Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Giovanni
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and rippling when you do have clothes to wear .”
    “I guess we’re even then. Let me go get you some pajama pants from the store. In the meantime you can wear one of my shirts to sleep in, ” Hunter suggested.
    “Can you get me some underwear and a bra too?”
    “Can ’t you just get those from the store tomorrow?” h e asked , shaking his head.
    “Sure, if you want me to walk around commando and braless, ” I retorted as I caught unraveling t he towel.
    He coughed, “I’ll get you a big sweatshirt too.”
    “You’re not going to go wit hout a shirt on are you?” I asked as he stood and walked towards the door.
    “No, of course not. I don’t want to mak e any of the other guys jealous. ”
    “You’re a cocky bastard,” I teased, rolling my eyes.
    “I don’t walk around here with my shirt off , so don’t worry,” h e replied as he walked into the bathroom, “That’s a special treat just for you.”
    “Get somethin g to cook for dinner while you’ re at it too.” I ordered as I sat on the bed.
    I looked up at him with narrowed eyes , and he smiled back withou t a hint of cockiness. Cocky was one word I would never use to describe him, although I thought that the others here mig ht mistake his coldness for the same thing.
    Without Hunter to distract me I was able to take in my surroundings. The bedroom was a sapphire blue and all the furniture was mocha brown. I sat on the bed that felt like a cloud amongst the darkness of the other items in the room. The bedding was a crisp white on top of the platform bed frame that had a puffed mocha leather headboard. The pine wood floors were cool against my feet as I stood and went into the kitchen. It was like Hunter; much more modest tha n the world he was surrounded by. The appliances were black and framed by simple white cabinets. Unlike the main kitchen there was no dishwasher , and the room was just big enough to cook and fit a table for two in front of the windows that overlooked the woods. The high end finishes of the rest of the house made me uncomfortable— as if the whole world was tittering on the edge of being too good to be true and of course , it was.

Chapter 1 6
    The next day came too quickly, and I knew that Hunter would have to leave me by myself to do whatever it was a general did. I rolled over to his side of the bed and spread out with a huff. I didn’t know what I would do without him there. At home I had always had something to do. I was doing some sort of chore—cooking, gardening, fixing things, and a lot of the time injuring myself, and then fixing myself back up. I figured that being here couldn’t be any worse than being there, even if those women already hated me.  Sara had silently hated me, and I had always known that, so it wouldn’t be much different. At least I had Hunter.
    “Where are you going?” I asked as I finally rolled over in the bed to see Hunter putting his sneakers on.
    “Off to do my job, ” Hunter replied, his expression hidden by his shoulders.
    “What should I do today?”
    He looked over his shoulder with a smugness that made me know I wasn’t going to like his answer, “Make some friends.”
    I pulled t he sheets over my head, “I hate you right now.”
    Hunter pulled the sheets back down and brushed a piece of hair out of my face, “It won’t be that bad.”
    “Promise?” I asked.
    “If you need me just listen for order s being barked to granite heads, ” he replied with a slight movement of his shoulders.
    “Great. When will you be back to save me?” I asked with a pout .
    “Soon enough. Will you cook dinner again? It was a lot better than anything I’ve ever cooked , or eaten for that matter,” he suggested, standing and stretching.
    “You don’t stop for lunch?”
    “Depends how much barking I have to do.”
    I huffed once more and rolled over to place my head in the pillow.
    “Listen, you lived with other people just like those women down stairs. I’m

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