In Between Seasons (The Fall)

Read Online In Between Seasons (The Fall) by Cassandra Giovanni - Free Book Online

Book: In Between Seasons (The Fall) by Cassandra Giovanni Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Giovanni
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ended up landing on my feet.
    “A tree again?” h e taunted me with his hands in his back pockets, “Why?”
    “You’re going to castrat e them if they give me a sideways glance? ”
    He looked at the ground. “I’m not bringing you to the safest place and you’re beautiful , so I needed to warn them.”
    “ I’m beautiful?” I repeated , trying not to smile.
    “Don’t let it go to your head , darling,” h e said as he held his hand out for me.
    “You’re not too bad yourself. ”
    “I know . I saw the way you stared at me when I took my shirt off,” he winked at me, and I had to take a deep breath.
    As I watched Hunter walking into what was supposed to be his home I felt as if I wa s watching someone put on a heavy suit of armor. With each step he put on another layer of defense to protect himself from who he was suppose d to be. He changed from the person I had begun to know to the person that had kidnapped me. His composure became rigid , and now that I knew him I could see the darkness in his eyes building. It was as if he was preparing himself for another war, one that he waged completely alone. I squeezed his hand , and he looked down at me. I smiled and some of the light came back to his eyes.

Chapter 15
    There was one word to describe the army base of Hunter’s tribe—overkill. I had never imagined that something like this still existed in our world, and I couldn’t even begin to fathom how it did. The only thought that I could comprehend was that it hadn’t been obtained fairly.
    “This house is huge,” I commented, leaning closer to Hunter as a woman pushed past me in the hall a s if I were invisible.
    “Wait until you see the kitc hen…well, the community kitchen, ” he replied with a smirk as we entered a huge room with two six- burner ovens on each side in stainless steel. There were two huge center islands with sinks in them , and a sink on the back wall that had two dish washers on either side. The cabinets were a deep cherry wood, which accented the hints of pink that shimmered out of the granite counter tops. I shivered as I looked over my shoulder to where the breeze was coming from. There were two sets of large stainless doors that led into a huge walk- in fridge and walk- in freezer.
    “Seri ously? Why is it so big?” I asked as I opened the fridge and stepped inside .
    “We have a lot of p eople to feed here,” he responded, shaking his head as he looked at the massive amount of food.
    “I don’t thin k I’ve ever seen this much food,” I gawked at the shelves of fresh produce, eggs, milk , and condiments, “Where does it come from? I didn’t see any gardens?”
    “Another one of the bases does the farming. This is a soldier base,” he explained, taking my hand and walking me out.
    “How many bases are there?”
    “Three, here—the soldier base, the farming base , and the home base where my father and his head men are, ” he answered, averting his eyes from mine when he mentioned his father.
    “Aren’t you one of your father’s head men?”
    “Yes , but someone needs to run this place,” he replied , and his tone showed his disapproval.
    “So, are there more kitchens?” I asked as we walked into a large open room with one side having pool tables and a bar. T he other side had a huge suede couch , and a TV that took up the whole wall. There were at least ten women watching a movie there. Their faces were expressionless, and the whole idea of sitting there all day with them was frightening.
    “We have our o wn living quarters , so we have our own kitchen. There are some pe rks to being the son of the man,” he whispered into my ear , but his eyes show ed how trapped he felt, “Right through there is a store where the clothes and other supplies are . If you need anything you can find it there from toiletries to clothes.”
    The women were now peering over the edge of the couch at us , and their eyes burned into me before they turned back

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