“They hate me already, ” I observed , wanting to suddenly become invisible again. I was far more entertaining to them than the movie they were watching.
“You have that affe ct on other woman, huh?” h e observed, his eyes becoming light.
“Yeah, must be my beauty. Makes them all want to eat me alive,” I joked with my teeth clenched .
Hunter chuckled to himself so quiet I was the only one who could hear him. I smacked him and had to shake my hand because of how hard his muscles were against it . I tried not to blush as my mind lingered to him with his shirt off.
“And what are you thinking about , darling?” Hunter asked as we walked outside onto a porch and up a set of stairs. I swallowed , shaking my head as if it would sha ke the thought away. It didn’t, “T his is it. Our home for a while,” he turned to face me, “Yo u’re blushing—tell me what you’ re thinking about?”
My stomach was flipping because his face was just inches from mine and we were alone in his bedroom , and I couldn’t keep my brain f unctioning rationally.
“Nothing, ” I sputtered.
“W ell, I’m going to take a shower,” h e said , nodding over hi s shoulder to the attached bath, “The kitchen is right through that there if you want to explore. It’s really not all that big. The remote to the TV is right here if you want to watch a movie or something.”
He didn’t turn away from me as he lifted his shirt off with the mu scles of his arms rippling and threw it into a laundry bin. He turned , and I couldn’t take my ey es off the muscles in his back — that was until he slipped his jeans off. Jesus Christ, I thought to mysel f trying not to stare at his ass in his boxer briefs. He saved me from a heart attack as he opened the door to the bathroom and slipped inside. I sat on the bed shaking my head before I heard the bathroo m door crack open , and Hunter threw his bo xer briefs into the laundry bin, and a wide smile covered his face as h e winked at me before shutting the door again. I could hear him laughing to hi mself as he turned the water on, and I could feel the heat spreading from my face down my body. When he came out of the bathroom he was wearing a fresh pair of jeans , and I was sorting through the DVD’s aimlessly , trying to get my hormones in check. I could honestly say that no one had ever had this effect on me. He could be fully dressed and I was just as attracted to him. If his eyes st ayed locked on mine long enough just those could drive me insane.
“You can go on in if you want,” h e said as his eyes teased me.
“Oh, thanks, ” I responded as I stood . I took my shirt off and threw it into the laundry bin before slowly slipping my jeans off . H is eyes slipped from my chest and down my legs , and t he look on his face was just what I had wanted. I t was exactly what I had imagined mine had looked like. I walked past him as he dropped onto the bed , and I could feel his eyes burning into my back. I was going to do him one better. I slid my hands across my back and unhooked my bra , letting the straps slip gradually off my shoulders before letting it fall to the floor. I looked over my shoulder and winked at him before closing the door.
“Jesus Christ, ” I heard him say through the closed door , and I couldn’t help smiling.
I didn’t let him rest long because after I got out of t he shower I discovered the walk- in closet was almost bare. The only items of clothing were his , and I found my self relieved that there wasn’t any thing a woman would wear . I stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel , and when he looked up from his hands his eyes shot up and down my body before stopping at my eyes.
“Oh, you’re good,” h e said , smiling in a way that made me feel as though my heart might leap out of my chest into his hands.
“What?” I asked, tryi ng to sound innocent, “There are no clothes in there for me to wear. You should talk— you’ re shirtless
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