Cattleman's Courtship

Read Online Cattleman's Courtship by Carolyne Aarsen - Free Book Online

Book: Cattleman's Courtship by Carolyne Aarsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyne Aarsen
Tags: Romance, Harlequin, Love Inspired, Carolyne Aarsen
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and order had been restored and Mr. Elderveld was calling out for people’s attention. Both sets of parents of the bride and groom stood side by side, fidgeting and tossing quick glances at each other.
    Nicholas knew Lorne’s mother, Mrs. Hughes, hated fuss and hated being the center of attention. Yet there she stood in her party clothes, smiling at her son and Trista, who sat at a table beside them.
    “We’d like to thank everyone for coming here,” Mr. Elderveld was saying once the noise settled down. “I’m hoping the weather for the wedding is as cooperative as it has been for this party.” He glanced down at his daughter and gave her a loving smile. “I’m so thankful we can celebrate this special occasion and though I know the wedding is only a couple of weeks away, we wanted to do things right and in this family that means we have an engagement dinner.” He glanced over at Lorne’s father. “I’d now like to ask Mr. Hughes to say a blessing on the food.”
    Lorne’s father stepped forward. “My wife and I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Elderveld for hosting this party. This means a lot.” Mr. Hughes tucked his hands in the back pockets of his pants, glancing at his son and future daughter-in-law. “We all know this is a difficult situation for you two, but we want to show you that we support you both and are thankful you are taking this step. You are a blessing to us from the Lord in so many ways. Your future wedding is a celebration and, as Mr. Elderveld said, this engagement dinner is part of that.” He paused a moment, glancing around the crowd as if making sure everyone there understood. “Now if you could all bow your heads, I’ll ask God for a blessing on this evening and on the bridal couple and their future plans.”
    As Mr. Hughes spoke, a peculiar sensation curled through Nicholas’s midsection.
    He thought of his own father. Dale Chapman had openly struggled with his feelings toward Cara. How would he have reacted had the two of them been in the same situation as Lorne and Trista?
    Would he have been as supportive? As encouraging?
    Would he have been able to thank the Lord for them and to pronounce a blessing on their plans?
    The thought settled, creating a restless current of uncertainty.
    Was his father one of the unspoken reasons Cara had left?
    Nicholas knew exactly where Cara was and he chanced a quick glance her way.
    Cara was looking at Trista and her face was etched with a sorrow so strong Nicholas had to fight the urge to go to her, put his arms around her and hold her close.
    And he wondered what, exactly, had created her sadness.
    Cara swiped at her eyes and before she bowed her head, she looked over at him, as well.
    Their gazes met and eyes held and it seemed as if time slipped backward. As if the angry words spoken about the ranch and his risky work—her sudden disappearance and long silence afterward—as if none of that had happened.
    Because in that moment, awareness, as tangible as a touch, arced between them and everyone around them faded away.
    For that moment it was just he and Cara as time hovered.
    Then Cara jerked her head to the side, breaking the connection.
    And as she did, Nicholas knew that putting his relationship with Cara behind him was going to be harder than he thought.
    Just get through it. Just get through this wedding stuff and then both of you will be going your separate ways. She to Montreal and you to Kuwait.
    The thought depressed him, but he pushed it aside. The ranch was doing well, but every bit of money he made brought it further along.
    When everything was exactly the way he wanted, then he would quit and ranch full-time.
    And he hoped, when that happened, he was going to find someone he could love as he once loved Cara.

Chapter Six
    “I t’s good to be home.” Alan sat back in his chair, glancing around the living room with a satisfied sigh. “I can’t believe it’s been a week already.”
    To Cara, he still looked pale. And his

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