right out from under you. This latest event is one more confirmation that you can’t trust women. Not Nell, not this broad, none of them. And you’re too steamed right now to try to charm this one into your way of thinking about letting you continue to run the show. But you might try softening your expression from a poker face to a smile. You still haven’t learned you get more flies with honey!
Now peel the skin from the squash and cut it into bite-size pieces. Place on a large sheet pan.
Using a saucepan, melt the butter until foamy. Add the brown sugar and vinegar and blend until thoroughly mixed. It’s a good reminder about how mixed up you are when it comes to most things. Pour contents over the top of squash and toss to coat evenly. Place in preheated oven for 45 minutes, tossing halfway through and roasting until caramelized.
In a 5-quart pot, melt the 4 ounces of butter and add the celery, carrots, onion, and garlic, and sauté until tender. Add chicken stock, salt, and cinnamon, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow the contents to cool slightly, while simultaneously trying to cool your jets for a while.
Remove the squash from the oven and puree in small batches. Combine the puree and chicken stock and stir. If the puree is still too thick, you can add more stock. Add salt and pepper to taste. Before serving, add the heavy cream. May be served hot or cold. Garnish with toasted sunflower seeds. Serves 10–12. Watch everyone smile. Bet you’ll have a hard time keeping a poker face with this dish.
Gabi eyed the calendar and couldn’t believe they’d actually officiated the closing, and she was now the new owner. It appeared the Carters were more anxious than ever to get on with their lives and had pushed their attorney to get the necessary inspections done as quickly as possible. Her mom and dad were just as nervous as she’d been, and she didn’t blame them. After all, they were taking a risk on her, too. Now it was up to her to see that she maintained the restaurant’s good standing in the area. She knew she was capable of doing it, but nevertheless, she hadn’t slept much last night, and the nerves now pulsating in her stomach felt like a crowd of rioting protesters. She inhaled a deep breath and slowly released it to the count of fourteen, hoping it would help. Fingering her necklace, she could hear Nell coming down the steps. Today was the day they were going to tell the staff she was now the head honcho of the inn.
“After we make the announcement, I have a few more things to take care of here and I’ll be on my way. According to John, the last of our things will be moved this afternoon,” Nell said. “Since you’re officially the owner now, John wasanxious to get to the new place and kick back, so he hustled our sons to get some giddyup in their get-alongs and move us outta here.
“Terrific! So I guess that means I can move in over the weekend?”
“It does.”
“Terrific.” As they entered the kitchen, anxiety continuing to punch Gabi’s insides. She told herself she had a lot riding on this inn and she’d better pull it off.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s official. Gabrielle Johnson is the new owner.” Everyone except Corey applauded. “And I’m pleased to say, Gabi has agreed to keep the name.”
“Thank you,” Gabi said, slightly embarrassed. But that didn’t stop her from taking a bow. “I appreciate your applause.” A feeling of exhilaration surged through her, ready to blast out like a blowtorch. What she really wanted to do was dance around the kitchen, but she forced herself to refrain, curbing her excitement, knowing she had to be sensitive to Corey.
Noticing Nell was no longer by her side, Gabi made her way back out into the dining room and found Nell folding some napkins. Seeing Nell’s expression, she felt a sudden heaviness weigh in her chest. “I’m sorry, Nell. I wasn’t thinking. Here I am getting excited when you’re feeling sad. You’ve
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