Bridgeworlds: Rise of the Magi

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Book: Bridgeworlds: Rise of the Magi by Randy Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy Blackwell
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had fallen and crushed all the trees around it. In another painting, a seven-horned red dragon breathed fire on an army of thousands. A third showed a shepherd leading a flock of twelve sheep.
    Omar and Myles walked around. “These are either historical accounts or prophecies of some kind,” said Omar. Myles shot him a skeptical look. "What? I had a class at Yale on interpreting symbols in paintings."
    Myles stopped at the painting of the red dragon and studied it closely for a few minutes. Peering at the scene with his face close to it, he finally shouted, “This has got to be it.”
    Omar came over and nodded, “Yes, I see them. The dragon has seven horns.”
    “Not only that but…” Myles pointed. “See, there are seven people -- or kind of like people.”
    Omar moved in closer. “Oh, wow! Do you see how some of them are mounted on horses? That means that they’re the rulers of the army fighting this dragon. Or should I say, being slaughtered by it?”
    “Yeah, Doc. I agree. I doubt they won that battle. Look how big that sucker is, and those pillars of fire it's spewing.”
    “Why, Myles, you talk like you believe it really happened.”
    “Doc, we’re here, aren’t we? I’m starting to believe that anything is possible.” The look on Myles’ face wasn’t a humorous one. Myles turned, but this time the painting rippled like water. Myles jumped back. “What’s that?”
    “That’s amazing! I think it’s a portal!”
    When he heard that, Myles got a fresh rush of adrenaline. The sooner they got to their destination, the faster he would be able to figure out if he wanted to stay there or go back. So Myles tipped his hat at Omar and winked at him. “That’s all I need to know, Doc! I’ll see you on the other side!” He let out a whoop and jumped straight into the painting.
    Omar shook his head in disbelief. “He definitely has a taste for theatrics.”
    Omar looked above the portal to see if there was any inscription like there was on his portal. Hebrew characters jumped out at him.
    “Only the sword can defeat the Dragon.”
    He immediately thought back to Misaki’s words to him when she came out of the coma. “Omar, she must get the sword to the carpenter,” she’d said. Questions began to flood his mind.
    Who is the gambler? Who is the ‘she’ that Misaki spoke of? Where is this sword that can defeat the Dragon in this painting? And who is the carpenter? None of the clues made sense, at least not yet. But one thing was for sure now. Misaki was definitely in the middle of all of this, somewhere. His heart began to race. It not only excited him, but frightened him too.
    What have I gotten myself into? There could be some serious trouble ahead once I go through that portal. Are these paintings actually clues about what lies ahead? Omar remembered that Myles had been genuinely glad that he’d fallen through that wall. Then it occurred to him that maybe Myles wasn’t here by accident. Wow! His mind was racing now, and he could think of only one way to get it to stop.
    So he took a deep breath, jumped on the bike, hit the gas, and burst through the portal.

    This portal experience wasn’t anything like the first one. Myles wondered if it was like right before being born. Everything was dark and quiet except for a sound like rushing water. Suddenly a light raced toward him, growing brighter as it advanced. He felt as if he were rapidly being pushed to the top of the tunnel.
    The brick floor rose quickly to meet him. The roof of the tunnel closed in from above. Myles fell to the rising floor and then he could only conclude that he was pressed through the ceiling and out into a new space. When he crashed through into the new space, he gasped for air. That’s when he realized that he was also covered in some kind of slime.
    “Omar! You here? Oh! …man, I uh…I don’t feel so hot. The air…it’s so…it’s so harsh.”
    Omar's voice answered, also choked as if he couldn't

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