breathe. “This slime is utterly relentless. It’s all over my eyes ... I can’t see.”
“Yeah, same here, Doc.” Myles managed to clear the goop from his eyes first, and as his vision started to come into focus, he looked over toward Omar. “Dear God, Omar, is that you?”
Still clearing his eyes, Omar stood up and fumbled around. “What is it, Myles? Is there another spider?”
“Omar, is that you?” Myles tone sounded serious and definitely afraid.
Omar quickly finished clearing his eyes and looked down at himself.
What in the world just happened? His skin was now a grayish color. He stared at his arms. “What’s this?”
“Oh Doc, that’s not even the beginning of it. Look behind you.”
Omar looked over his shoulder and saw a large, grey, skin-covered wing. Not believing what he saw, he looked over his other shoulder to see a matching wing on the other side.
Myles’ face turned pale as he stared over at Omar. “Are you feeling all right, Doc?”
Omar could feel the anxiety rising within him so he grabbed a mirror from his bag and began studying the changes that had occurred to his body. He was still the same size as before, and his hair was still black. His facial features were about the same except a little more angular than before, but now he had pointed ears. His eyes were no longer brown; they were now a grey color that matched his skin.
After studying his new form for a minute, he looked over at Myles and smiled as he observed, “You know, it’s really fascinating, and I think I quite like it.” Omar arched his back a little and stretched out his new wings. “I wonder if I can fly with these things.”
Myles shook his head in disbelief. “All I can say is, better you than me. I wouldn’t have thought it was so cool.”
Omar flapped his new wings and began to lift off the floor. Omar laughed with delight. “You know what? I think I’ll manage to cope.” He was not a scientist at the moment. He was more like a kid who had just received a new toy and was having a lot of fun playing with it.
Myles pulled up the sleeve of his trail coat to see what had been causing the tingling sensation on his arm for the last several minutes. Myles showed Omar a faint tattoo of an eight-digit number on the top of his forearm. “That wasn’t there before we stepped into that portal. I don’t know where we are now, Doc, but it definitely looks like we’re still not back home.”
Omar looked down at his own forearm, Sure enough, he saw that he had a tattoo, a different eight-digit number. “Supernatural, indeed.”
Omar wanted a video of his new form. He began digging through his bags while Myles started to explore their surroundings. The brick was a grey color, he observed, and they seemed to be in some kind of room again. An open doorway gave way to what looked like a hallway. Myles wandered the room and then went down the hallway, where he found a square opening in the floor big enough for him to drop through.
Myles dropped to his knees and looked down about a hundred feet to where he could see what looked like a town square. Brick and wood buildings surrounded a water fountain. Tunnels led in every direction from the outskirts of the square. He could also see many creatures of different shapes and sizes walking through the square. Myles stared through the hole in amazement. He couldn’t believe his eyes. For a moment he just knelt there, watching the activity. Some of the creatures looked outlandish. Myles finally caught his breath and called out, “Doc, you’ve got to come see this!”
Omar wrestled to get a shirt on over his wings so he didn’t hear him at first. He’d cut holes in the back of the shirt but the wings were longer than his arms so he couldn’t even get his wings through the slits.
Myles walked back into the room and laughed at his dilemma. Omar chuckled too. “This is going to take some getting used to.
“Just hold still for a second, because it’ll be easier
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