doing nothing to allay the tension she’d been feeling but she managed to stand still despite the fact her body had kicked into fight-or-flight mode and the scales were tipping precarious toward the flight side of things.
By the time Fischer pushed his shoulder away from the doorframe he’d been leaning against to take a step toward her, Lara was wound so tight she instinctively took a step back without even thinking. When her back came up against a warm chest, she gasped and would have taken a quick step to the side but a long, muscular arm banded around her just below her breasts. “Stop,” the deep voice of the man behind her washed over her in a warm wave of desire that made her realize her body had responded to his command before her mind had even registered the word, the realization thrilled her and terrified her in equal parts. “We aren’t going to hurt you, precious.” When he leaned down and pressed his lips against the tender pulse point below her ear, Lara knew she wouldn’t be able to hide her racing pulse from him and shuddered in response.
Fischer watched every breath Lara took, each beat of her pulse as it pounded at the base of her neck. The woman fascinated him, even at a distance where the thoughts of other people were usually muffled, Fischer felt drawn to her. The first time he’d seen her, she’d been standing at the reception desk dressed in a floral sundress she probably mistakenly thought hid her lush curves. Even though she hadn’t spoken the words, her disappointment when she’d seen the membership fee had been written all over her pretty face. When she had simply nodded and turned to leave, he’d stepped forward and asked if she would be interested in the work program the owner was implementing. Fischer thought back on the wide-eyed look she’d given him, she’d confessed later that she’d wondered if he had been joking or hitting on her. That afternoon it had taken her so long to reply that he had begun to think she wasn’t going to. And then he had almost missed her hesitant nod because it had been so small.
There hadn’t been a single day since he’d met Lara that Fischer hadn’t thanked God above for that chance meeting. Well, except for the day she’d filled the entire club with smoke when she’d put cupcakes in the deli’s open oven. The look on her face when the local firefighters burst into the room had been worth the price of admission. But the crowning moment had been listening as she explained to a bewildered fire department captain why she’d thought a broiler oven was a reasonable option for baking. Since Fischer had been privy to the man’s thoughts, Fischer had known the captain hadn’t been sure whether to arrest or cuddle her.
Cam had lectured her for over an hour on the importance of clearing any future cooking “inspirations” with her supervisor or anyone else with a “lick of common sense—perhaps some third grader”. The stricken look on her face had quickly turned mutinous, and the glare she’d given her boss had earned her a punishment Fischer doubted she’d yet forgotten. Since they’d been forced to close the club on a Friday night, the club’s owner had given any Dom who had already scheduled a scene a chance to participate in her punishment. Master C had secured Lara in the stocks on the main stage, bared her lovely ass to the entire room and stood by as the offended Doms each gave her a couple of solid swats with an oak paddle. Fischer had finally interceded, reminding Master C that she’d been trying to do something nice for his birthday and hadn’t intentionally caused the mayhem that ensued. He still called her cupcake on occasion, and always enjoyed the sweet flush that burned her cheeks each and every time he used the nickname.
Peter’s soft chuckle told Fisher he’d picked up the memory that had been replaying in his mind. “Cupcake?”
Lara groaned in embarrassment as her face went crimson. “How did you
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