know?” Then she’d moved her gaze to his, “You told your brother that story? I can’t believe you would do that, and I know he’s your brother because, well—just because. And please, please, please don’t do this to me right now. I have a really important interview with Master C and I just can’t cope with your rejection right now.” Before he’d even sorted through her words, Peter’s voice snarled in his mind. ‘ Rejection? What the fuck? Is she kidding? She thinks you don’t want her? ’
Before Fischer could answer, Cameron Barnes stepped into the room. As usual, the man didn’t miss anything, his gaze had barely moved between the three of them before he’d smiled and nodded his head. “Come along, Lara, I don’t want these two flustering you before we’ve had a chance to talk.”
Fischer wanted to growl in frustration as his boss led the very misinformed sub from the room. When he turned back to his brother, he saw Peter looked just as annoyed as he felt. “She doesn’t know? You haven’t told her what you were waiting for?” When Peter didn’t even try to hide his frustration, Fischer knew how truly pissed off he was. “What the fuck were you waiting for? You told me you were sure she was the one, why didn’t you make sure she didn’t get away?” When Fischer didn’t answer immediately, Peter began pacing, much the same as Lara had been doing when they’d found her. “You can’t hear her can you? That’s how you knew she was the one, but it also kept you from knowing she feels as though you have rejected her. Does that about cover it?”
This time Fischer found his voice, “Yeah. I remembered what Granny said—you know, about knowing we’d found the one when our gifts didn’t work well on her. But to be honest, I wasn’t sure at first because, well—because she really did seem too good to be true. And I wasn’t sure what to do with a woman I couldn’t read.” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, “Hell, I still don’t know what to do with her, and I’ve known her for almost a year.” For the first time in his life Fischer understood what life must be like for other men, how utterly frustrating it was to have no idea what was going on in a woman’s mind. And because he usually did know , he’d felt like he had suddenly been tossed blindfolded into a room full of obstacles just before someone set the damned house on fire.
Holy mother of all things sacred, what the hell had that been about? Fischer was hard enough for Lara to deal with, his intensity had always made her feel like an inexperienced teenager, but his brother was lethal in a whole new way. Struggling to keep up with Master C as his long legs ate up the distance down the hall, she decided to put the two men out of her mind so she could concentrate on the interview. As they entered his office, Lara had the strangest sensation of being watched, but when she let her eyes move quickly around the room she noted they appeared to be alone. When she returned her gaze to Master C, she saw that he was leaning back against the front of his desk, hands curled over the front edge of the glass top and his ankles crossed casually as he studied her.
Lara had worked at the club long enough to know better than to fidget under the watchful gaze of a Dom, but damn it, Master C was intimidating and she felt like every muscle in her body was clenched tightly. She’d read about the fight-or-flight instinct and suddenly those words took on a whole new meaning. The man’s office was such a contrast to the rest of the club she couldn’t help but look around, she tried to appear casually interested, but assumed he knew she was just trying to distract herself.
The utilitarian décor might have appeared stark to some, but she’d been raised in all varieties of primitive conditions while traveling the world with her parents, so she appreciated the simplicity of the décor. The only piece in the room that appeared to be
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