fulfillments. It was as if the weight of Adam upon her brought them, and their remarkable love and lust for each other, closer to the earth, made their mutual ecstasy more real and truthful.
Again and again Adam beat his cock deeply into Mirella. Her cries of acute pleasure, and the sometimes exquisite pain that can accompany erotic extremes, only extended his own carnal bliss and drove him on to lick, suck, fuck, and devour her into himself. Pulsing through their bodies was pleasure beyond thoughts and manipulations. Adam and Mirella’s orgasms were pure and perfect, on this their wedding day. It was a powerful physical pleasure that gave them a glimpse of infinity.
It was dusk. A hot red sun, dulled by a curtain of heavy mist hovering several feet above the ocean, cast a milky gray aura tinged with pink all around Oceanside. Adam watched the waves, seductive and mysterious in the eerie light, gather momentum and roll heavily onto the shore. The ocean appeared to be more calm now than it had been earlier in the afternoon when he and Mirella had made love together.
The rich romantic music of the sea filled his ears and his heart, and he allowed the dramatic hour of dusk, and the fading of his wedding day, to wrap itself around him like a seductive cape. Standing naked in the twilight at the doorway of the balcony he was warmed by memories of his wedding to Mirella, the most important day of his life. He looked away from the ocean to his wife lying naked in the shadows fast asleep, and he covered his face with his hands and wept. Tears streamed down his face and neck. He swallowed his sobs, and shuddered, so great and deep was the emotion that possessed him.
It was the closeness, the oneness he had with Mirella that was causing him all his tears of emotion. He knew that. He had always known that being too close to another humanbeing can cause complications. That feelings, especially messy feelings that one would rather not deal with, were always brought to the surface when one accepted such closeness as his to Mirella.
The tears he shed were not for himself alone but for Mirella as well. They were far from tears of despair. Tears rather of joy, for being able to give himself up so totally to another human being, his wife, and not hate her because she possessed him, and knew him so intimately. It meant that he loved himself and could face himself as much as he could love and face her. How many men were as lucky as he?
Adam lowered his hands from his face and, wiping his tears away, stepped out onto the balcony. He liked the feel of the cool evening air against his nakedness. He ran his hands over his arms and across his chest, his hips, his stomach, as if he were washing himself with it. With one hand he lifted his flaccid phallus and gave that, too, to the evening breeze. He held it, cupped his testes in his other hand, felt the weight of them, and liked, as he always did, his masculinity, the sheer size and power of it. He smiled to himself. It was a smile not of cheap male vanity but one of appreciation of being a man, and most especially of being his own man. He bent down and cleansed his thighs and legs, in between his toes, then reached around to his back and his tight, muscled bottom, and completed his strange, almost ritualistic cleansing.
Adam watched dusk turning to nightfall, the pink pearly gray atmosphere changing to the frosted navy blue of evening. The mist being pushed inland by billowing puffs of thick fog rolled over the waves and muffled their sound. He walked quietly back into the darkened bedroom and found a cigar and his Zippo lighter. After going to the bed where Mirella lay still sleeping, a tender smile on her face which he could not see but sense in the darkness, he bent down and kissed her ever so lightly on the lips and one exposed pretty breast. He walked back to the balcony door, leaned against the jamb, and, after wetting his lips with his tongue, placed the large Havana cigar between them.
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