The Princes Bound [The Princes Book 1]

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Book: The Princes Bound [The Princes Book 1] by Robin Danner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Danner
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this trouble for her?
    Nadia sipped again from her wine glass. What did he want?
    Two servants entered and delivered the first course, an artful arrangement of what looked to Nadia like the equivalent of two tiny bites of food. It was quickly followed by another, as mouthwatering and diminutive as the first.
    A seven course meal. She would be trapped with him for an eternity.
    They ate mostly in silence. The clink of silverware, and the sound of chewing were the only sounds.
    As they lingered over dessert, a luscious fruit custard topped with cream, he began to interrogate her. “Why did you become a soldier?"
    It was a familiar subject.
    She put down her fork and folded her hands in her lap. “I'd lost my brother to the war, so there was a need to avenge his death, but I've always wanted to be a solder. I suppose it's in my blood."
    His blue eyes clouded with sympathy. “I was sorry to hear about Lance."
    She waved aside his comment. “It's been many years."
    "But it's hard to get beyond losing a loved one.” His face twisted with remembered pain.
    "Your parents,” she guessed.
    He nodded. “With my mother, her death was expected. We had a chance to savor our time together. But my father's death came as such a shock."
    His blue eyes warmed as he studied her. “My father would have been proud of you. Sir Collin was always his favorite knight."
    Her lips curved into a smile. “My father tried his best to convince me not to be a soldier."
    "It couldn't have been easy, even with Collin as your father."
    "No, it hasn't."
    She would not unburden herself to him. He would never be able to understand the constant struggles, being forced again and again to prove she was as good as any man, and the anger directed at her when she succeeded.
    Mathis’ lean fingers caressed the stem of his wineglass.
    Her eyes were drawn to the movement. She realized she wanted to feel his hands on her body again, and the thought both enflamed and mortified her.
    He lifted the glass to his lips, and she studied the motion of his throat as he swallowed. The moment grew sensual.
    Does he feel it too ?
    "My brother's fiancee should arrive tomorrow."
    Nadia's gaze flew to his face.
    She did a quick mental calculation, and it was indeed less than a week until the wedding. She had lost track of the days.
    Once the princess arrived, Nadia would be busy making sure that the festivities went off without a hitch. She would also be in charge of securing the palace to make sure that unwanted guests did not arrive.
    She nodded and gave him a curious look. “Yes, the duke as well."
    Mathis’ jaw tightened, and his fingers flexed on the stem of the wineglass. It was in danger of snapping off completely.
    She hesitated before speaking. “You do not like him."
    His eyes held a storm of carefully controlled emotion. “He is the man responsible for my father's death."
    "How can you be so sure?” She was surprised he confided his suspicions to her.
    His eyes flashed blue fire. “Roarke is certainly capable of treachery, and there have too many witnesses to disregard it as mere rumor."
    Nadia had not been at N'ior when Roarke had arrived years before to ally himself with the late king. Her father had written to her about the man though, and his words had not been favorable. Yet now Collin refused to speak of Roarke other than as it pertained to preparations for the wedding.
    It was all quite odd.
    She took a final sip from her wineglass and set it aside. “Your brother does not share your views."
    Mathis’ face remained blank, but his eyes again revealed his turmoil. “I have not yet deduced what my brother is about."
    "So you think he has concocted a secret plot?"
    "Let's hope not,” Mathis replied grimly. “For all our sakes."
    They finished their dessert, and Mathis escorted her to the gardens where the fireworks display was scheduled. He found a secluded spot near the edge of the garden, and they waited for the festivities to begin.
    Nadia shivered as

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