THE ALTER: A Psychological Crime Thriller

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Book: THE ALTER: A Psychological Crime Thriller by EJ Nesbeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: EJ Nesbeth
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for it.”
    Ava knees weakened and she found herself sitting on the floor and weeping uncontrollably. "This is exactly what I was afraid of. When I first came to the precinct Bret and I got involved. I was swept away by his confidence and charisma. When Merissa was born I never begged him anything except that he set himself straight so no harm would ever come to her. But he was too greedy. That's why I've hated him ever since," she explained.
    Suddenly, beams of light pierced the crevices of the building from the outside while the faint sound of vehicles and voices followed. Ava composed herself and rushed towards a partially sealed window for a view. She could see about a half dozen men exiting trucks with what appeared to be high powered weapons. She quickly moved away from the window to escape notice and hastened back towards him.
    “Someone’s coming.  Big men with big guns,” she said frantically, but he sat in the corner with an incredibly unconcerned look. “Who are they?” she asked.
    He looked at her with a hint of exited anticipation and replied, “Alverez.”

    Ava paced the floor in panic, checking her gun and scouting her brain for ideas while he watched her in quiet amusement. She knew her firepower was no match for the syndicate, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight. The syndicate’s was notorious and their methods cruel, but she would rather die in a hail of bullets than being subjected to the sadistic methods that it was known for.
    She looked at him sitting calmly with his hands still cuffed behind him. “You set me up!” she said angrily, pointing the gun at his face.
    “Don’t take it personally. They’re just here to kill me,” he said casually.
    “What? How did they know where to find us?” she asked.
    “Well, I basically told them where I was going to be,” he said.
    “You’re crazy,” she whispered, shaking her head. She went back to the window for a quick look, but the men had already disappeared into the building.
    “Focus, Miss Reynolds. There’s only one way you can come out alive. I’m sure Alverez would rather kill me himself and gave orders for them to take me in alive,” he said. “You wanna live? You have to do exactly as I say.”
    “Do as you say? You just tried to kill me,” she scolded as brainstormed for a more sure approach. The sound of footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer. Flashlight beams penetrated the floor of the empty stairwell a few feet away. Ava grew desperate while he looked at her waiting for her to decide. She had no choice and he could sense her desperation.
    “Remove your jacket, throw your gun on the floor towards the doorway, and lie face down on the ground,” he suggested and she quickly complied. They could hear the heavy boots marching towards the room and Ava closed her eyes and put her arms behind her head as she tensed in anticipation.
    There was a suspenseful silence and her heart beat heavily while she panted. Suddenly, the men charged through the doorway waving guns and shouting. Ava felt the cold, heavy nozzle of a gun on the back of her head and she clenched her teeth waiting for a shot to go off. Ryan sat in the corner with his hands handcuffed behind him and lasers targeting his head and chest.
    Not long after, the gunmen quieted and two of them walked up to Bret’s body for a close inspection. They conversed in Spanish with Bret’s name being among the few words that Ryan and Ava could recognize. They seemed to have some amount of admiration for his killer’s work. After searching the room, they pulled them to their feet and hauled them out and into one of the vehicles outside.
    “This is so cliché,” Ryan protested as the men pulled cloth bags over their heads and drove away.
    The men spoke very little and when they did it was in Spanish. Ava’s heart pounded as they drove. She could hear the acoustics change as the vehicle drove in the open, then onto roads where the sound

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