“Commander Hong,” Ashley said, “is that what attacked your ship?”
He had to look close to see it, but Hong nodded slowly. “There’s no question. That’s what attacked us. How are you planning to destroy it?”
Ashley walked over to the scanning consoles. “We don’t intend to destroy it, Commander.”
Stepping forward, Hong said, “I don’t think you understand. If you don’t destroy it, it will destroy your ship.”
“I hope you’re wrong. We can’t just attack a ship that hasn’t done anything to us. We don’t know what they want, or why they’re here.”
Hong’s breathing grew faster and his eyes grew wide. “Admiral, I beg you, if you won’t destroy it, then at least get out of its way.”
Moving over to Lieutenant Card’s side, Ashley said, “Hong, I understand your concern. I really do, but we have an opportunity here to make first contact with an alien species for our nation. We may be part of our country’s military, but we are also ambassadors to this new species. We will try to make contact.”
Reaching over Card’s shoulder, Ashley began typing something into the console. She intentionally kept her back to Commander Hong as she worked.
“Card, I want you to start broadcasting in all frequencies to the alien vessel. Start basic. If they’re receptive, move on to a full greeting.”
Harris reached over to his co-pilot and put his hand on hers to keep it from shaking. “Admiral, this thing is coming right at us. Should we move out of the way?”
“Yes,” Ashley nodded, “but only out of its immediate path. We don’t want them to think we’re trying to cause problems by forcing them to make a course correction, but I don’t want us to go unseen.”
The shaking in Gonzales’ hand stopped almost immediately as she activated the thrusters to move the Explorer.
A crewman at the scanning station said, “They’re moving in toward us. They appear to be slowing down, but they’ll be on us within sixty seconds.”
“Let’s hope that’s a good thing,” said Ashley.
At the communications console, Card didn’t look so certain. “We still haven’t received any kind of response from the alien vessel.”
Ashley jerked her head back. “Are we scanning everything for contact?”
“Yes, sir, but we’re still not seeing anything. I’m not sure if they’re receiving our messages or not, but we’re broadcasting every way I know.”
Ashley sat in the command chair. Her fingers gripped the arms tightly until they turned white.
After several seconds, Holt broke the silence. “Admiral, do you want us to prepare any offensive measures?”
“No. If they detect it, they may misinterpret it as a sign of aggression. Just be ready if you’re needed.”
When the alien vessel came within a hundred yards of the Explorer, it came to a complete stop. A small port opened on the front of the vessel, and a long device pushed out through it. The device sent out a wide beam of light that went up and down Ashley’s ship.
As the light went across the ship, the crew of the Explorer froze in place. Some made their way to a viewport to get a first-hand look at the alien vessel. Others made a point to get into their harnesses in case the ship tried to do something.
Ashley froze, just like everyone else on the ship. Ever since her childhood, she hoped she would someday meet someone from an alien world, but never thought she really would. Yet here she sat, living just another part of her dream. As fantastic as it felt, none of it seemed real.
“Admiral,” said a member of the sensor team.
Ashley didn’t respond.
“Admiral, we’re detecting something.”
Ashley turned back. “What are you detecting?”
“We’re reading an energy spike coming from within their ship. We’re not sure what it is.”
“It’s not looking like any form of communication,” Card said, “but I could be wrong about that.”
The translator was too awestruck to do his job. Commander Hong
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