entire body. Wanting more, she wrapped her leg around his waist—pulling him in to the area most desirous of more contact.
“ Alasdair ? Is that ye?” asked Ailsa from the hallway. It was like a cold splash of water on their fiery frenzy . Catriona shoved Alasdair from her body and dove out of sight behind the bed .
Rising hurriedly to greet his sister he said, “Aye, tis me. ”
“ Why are ye back so soon? Did ye learn something of use ?” she asked , completely unaware of what had been transpiring just a moment before .
“Aye, the Cameron sent a young lad t o spy on us. I canna e say for certain, but I think he means to attack , ” replied Alasdair .
“Ach, why can that man nae leave us alone? Was killing our parents and burning half of the surrounding land nae enough?” rai led Ailsa. Catriona silently gasped upon hearing this revelation. She had had no idea the rivalr y with the Camerons was this serious . She knew clans often fought with one another during this century , but these actions were downright sinister.
“ I dinnae know lass ie . T he m an is deranged and cruel. Now , back to bed with ye , we can discuss it tomorrow ,” soothed Alasdair .
Ailsa left the room, but turned back after a few steps, “ I almost forgot! Catriona is looking for her book—the one ye thought was a spell book. If ye know where it is, kindly bring it to her in the morn. We spent the entire day looking for it.”
Alasdair faced Catriona as she rose from her hiding place, “So this is why ye were sneaking about my room, ye were looking for yer book?” At Catriona’s nod, Alasdair walked over to the far wall and came back with the book . There must have been a secret compartment that Cat had not seen. “Here ye go lass; I honestly forgot I even had it.” While Ailsa’s arrival had dowsed the flame of passion that had been i n this room mere moments before, the mention of the Camerons froze it over completely.
“Thanks,” said Cat as he handed her the book. Placing her hand on his, she said, “ And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about your parents. I know how traumatic that can be. ” She may not really remember her parents, but she knew well the hole left in her heart by their untimely demise—it could not be much different for Alasdair.
Alone again in her room, Cat played the last few minutes of the evening through her head. She really did not understand her immediate response to Alasdair’s touch. Even more odd, h e seemed just as affected as she . The passion in his touch seemed to be born completely by reaction—not practice. Not that a man with that face and body wouldn’t have the opportunities for plenty of practice!
Ugh, why am I even thinking of this? Catriona redirected her thoughts back to her initial desire of the evening. Studying the cover, Cat was glad she had been able to find the book so soon. Knowing her luck, if she had been stuck in this century much longer, she would have been an accidental casualty of a MacLean-Cameron war.
Cat gathered what few items she had and then sat down on the bed . Closing her eyes and drawing in a breath of anticipation she asked, “Please bring me home.” Cracking open her eyelids, she was dis appointed to see the same room.
When Cat had spent so much time at Elspeth’s planning ways to get back into Duart Castle, she had never even considered she would not be able to go home. She had been positive helping Ailsa was her purpose. Growing desperate, Cat tried to recall the witch’s words . What was it that Elspeth said? The magic will only work if there is a great need? Thinking of all the reasons she wanted to go home, she decided on the one most likely to fit the spell’s criteria of ‘need.’ Closing her eyes again she said, “My brother needs me, please send me home.”
Once again opening her eyes to fifteenth-century walls , Catriona wondered if the process had to be done in a specific manner. She began to mentally review what she had done
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