So Much to Live For

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Book: So Much to Live For by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lurlene McDaniel
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I can wait by myself.”
    Dawn gritted her teeth. The old Marlee was back. Why did she make it so hard to be nice to her? “Can I sit with you anyway?” Dawn asked.
    “It’s a free country.”
    Dawn plopped onto the bench, determined not to let Marlee get under her skin. She asked, “So did you have a good time at camp?”
    “It was all right.”
    “Just all right? You’ll go down in camp history for getting Dr. Ben the way you did.”
    A small smile softened Marlee’s mouth. “I got him good, didn’t I?” Suddenly, the girl swung around to straddle the bench and face Dawn. “I heard the other girls say they’d write to each other. Will you write me?”
    Marlee’s about-face surprised Dawn. One minute she acted hateful, the next, friendly. Would she ever figure her out?
    “We both live in Columbus, so why don’t you call me sometime?” Dawn suggested.
    “You won’t mind?”
    “Of course not,” Dawn said. “Hey, here comes a car. I’ll bet it’s your ride.” Dawn jumped up and peered through the rain-spotted window and watched a long black limousine crunch over the wet gravel.
    “Yeah,” Marlee said listlessly. “It’s Grams’ chauffeur.”
    “That’s your grandmother’s car?”
    Marlee dragged her suitcase outside without answering. Dawn followed. The driver’s door opened, and a man in a uniform got out. “Miss Marlee,” he said with a smile. “I’m sorry I’m running late.”
    “How’s Grams?”
    “She was feeling rather poorly today. She sent me to fetch you. Said to tell you she’s very sorry she couldn’t come along.”
    Marlee’s expression had become a dull mask. “It’s no big deal.”
    The chauffeur placed the luggage in the trunk and opened the car door to the back seat. Dawn had a glimpse of a rich gray leather interior as Marlee crawled inside.
    “Call me,” Dawn said hastily.
    “Okay,” Marlee answered.
    The chauffeur returned behind the steering wheel, put the car into gear, and swung it around toward the gravel road. Dawn watched as the sleek black car inched along. Its gleaming metal and smoky dark windows reflected the rays of a weak sun that had emerged from behind clouds. She watched until it disappeared through the forest of green, leafy trees.

    “T ELL me everything that happened— and don’t scrimp on the details,” Dawn’s friend, Rhonda Watson, said eagerly the day after Dawn had returned from camp.
    Dawn shut her bedroom door and let Rhonda haul her across the room and push her onto the bed. “You must be starved for news,” Dawn kidded. “I thought you’d be the one with stories to tell.”
    Rhonda rolled her eyes and dragged Dawn’s half-unpacked bag onto the floor. Clothes tumbled onto the carpet. “You don’t know what it’s been like around here. Boring wouldn’t
to describe it.”
    “First, what about the job? Is it still open?” Dawn was eager to hear if she’d still be working at the ice cream parlor. Now that camp was behind her, she couldn’t wait to start her first real job.
    “Of course, it’s open. Three afternoons a week and all day Saturdays.”
    Relieved, Dawn said, “Good. I’m saving every penny I make for school clothes. I really want to look amazing when we start in September.”
    “Now tell me about camp before I explode!” Rhonda insisted.
    She did look ready to pop, so Dawn began unfolding her tale of camp life. She told her about Marlee. Rhonda wrinkled her nose. “Sounds like she’s related to my brother. He’s taken being a brat to new heights, you know.”
    “Marlee wasn’t always a brat. Sometimes she tried hard, like the time the girls decided to experiment with makeup. We all had a good time that night.” Dawn picked Mr. Ruggers off the floor and wrapped her arms around his fuzzy body.
    “And she really did have things stacked against her,” she added. “Can you imagine growing up without parents? Plus losing an eye?”
    “But you said she was rich. That part must be

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