Secrets and Lace: A Dark Romance Thriller (Fatal Hearts Series Book 1)

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Book: Secrets and Lace: A Dark Romance Thriller (Fatal Hearts Series Book 1) by Dori Lavelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dori Lavelle
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air seemed to clear. It was as though most of the pain had been released, and all we had was a clean slate. 
    Mom got to her feet, wiped her eyes, and blew her nose. Then she gave me a broken look as she sat back down on the couch next to me. “I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Alex. I don't know what was wrong with me. It’s just… he was the first man to show interest in me in a long time.” She shifted. “But there’s no excuse for what I did. He tried to rape you. I should have protected you.” She took my hands in hers. “After you left, I did confront him.” She gave a half shrug. “He wasn't the man I thought he was.”
    “You know what?” I wiped away her tears. “Let's move on. He tried, but he didn't succeed. I fought him off. I'd like to leave that part of the past behind. If that's okay with you.”
    “I just feel so bad. I don't think I will ever forgive myself. I wasn't even there for you when that scandal of an article spread like wildfire through town... and what happened to Mariela Jones. I was so angry with you for what you said about Alex. I wasn't there for you.” She gripped my hands. “What you did was wrong, but you're my daughter. I should have been on your side no matter what.”
    “Mom, really. I forgive you. Don’t worry about it.” I had to tell her more about the article she had just mentioned, but right now she needed to know that our relationship was okay.
    She tightened her grip on my hands and I felt the bones in her thin fingers. “Before we start over, there's something else you should know. Two months ago, I was diagnosed with brain cancer. Doctors say I have about six months to live.”
    Time stood still. I had just gotten her back, and now she was telling me I was about to lose her again?
    For a while I didn't react visibly, didn't know how to. I stared at her like a zombie, my face growing cold as the blood drained from it. “How?” I asked when I rediscovered my power of speech.
    “That was my first thought when Dr. Brian gave me the news. I couldn't believe it was happening to me, yet it was. I had to deal with it.”
    No wonder she had changed so much, become so thin and frail. Cancer had taken everything away from her. My stomach twisted when I realized I would never have known if I hadn't come to town. She would have died all alone.
    “I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening. I can arrange for you to come see the best doctors in Boca Raton. Come and live with me...and my fiancé.”
    Mom’s face brightened at my words. “You're getting married? I'm so happy for you, honey.” She pulled me into another hug that left me breathless, then pulled back and smiled at me. I detected a flicker of her old self. “I feel much better knowing you have a good life.”
    “Thank you. But I want you to share that life. Come live with us in Boca Raton. Let me take care of you.” I shrugged. “Who knows, maybe there's something that can be done.”
    She shook her head sadly. “It's incurable. No one can help me. It took me so long to come to terms with what is happening to my body, I just don't feel like I have the energy to start all over again. I don't want to give myself hope and have it taken away.” She touched my cheek. “Honey, thank you for the offer, but I can't come and live with you. I've done enough damage to you. You deserve to live a carefree and happy life, the kind I was never able to give you. Just do one thing for me, if you can. Stay with me for the few days you're in town. Come home.”
    “Of course I'll do that. I'll get my things from the hotel in a bit.”
    “Thank you.” She tipped her head to one side. “Can I ask what you came to Misty Cove for? If you feel comfortable talking to me about it.”
    I paused. Should I distance her from the pain of worrying about me, or start our new relationship by being honest? Instead of discussing my problems, I would have preferred to discuss her treatment options, to convince her to return to

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