was violent. Knocked me and Eve around more times than I can
count. I separated myself from him a long time ago emotionally, and in law
school, dated a psych major, so she “practiced” on me. It helped to talk, but I
don’t dwell.”
“What do you do for the club? Do
you practice law part time?”
“No, I work pretty much
full-time, although the hours are somewhat flexible. I’m on retainer with the
club and I have an office there. Plus I work out of here when I need quiet.”
“I wish I had a job I could do
from home.”
He chuckled. “Like what?”
“I love to write. I’ve actually
written a book and self-published, but it’s super slow going.”
“What’s the book about?”
“It’s an erotic romance.”
“Erotica written by a virgin?” he
I giggled. “I know, it seems
Before he could agree or
disagree, his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket frowning at the
screen. “Sorry, babe, gotta take it.”
“It’s okay.”
“Hey, Booker. Yeah? Damn it.” He
glanced my way with another frown. “Can it wait? Shit. Yeah, okay. Give me an
hour.” He hung up with a sigh. “Sorry, Darien, I have to drop you home. Club
“No worries,” I said, and rose to
my feet.
After gathering the dishes and
putting the food away, we grabbed our jackets and Mack drove me home... in his
very nice BMW. If I was being honest, and if I chose to be some kind of a
whore, I’d be a car whore. I loved nice cars and this one didn’t disappoint.
Mack walked me to my door,
promised he’d call later, and then took off. I locked up the apartment, saw the
note from Pauley that she’d picked up another shift at the restaurant, so I
took Barney out and then settled in for the rest of the day.
I missed Mack about ten minutes
after he left, so I put on a sappy movie and curled up on the sofa with my dog.
A FTER DROPPING DARIEN home, Mack walked
into the Dogs of Fire compound and stalled. In the main room, he found
no less than a dozen women, including Dani and her high-class friends, sitting
around giggling with club women, some kind of fruity drink in front of each of
“Hey, Mack,” Susie called.
Susie was the club’s president’s
old lady and, knock Mack over with a fucking feather, he never thought he’d see
the day she’d be laughing with the likes of Dani and her designer clad friends.
Kim rose to her feet and made her
way to him. “Hey.”
Mack smiled and pulled her in for
a hug. “Hey, babe.”
“A few of us want to come to Blush next week,” she whispered.
He glanced at the women and
grabbed Kim’s hand, pulling her toward the kitchen. “No fuckin’ way.”
Kim dropped her beautiful head
back and laughed. “Kidding!”
“I’m thinkin’ I might ban you,
She gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“Don’t push me.”
“Heard you had a really cute,
really sweet visitor recently. One who you can’t resist.” Kim gave him a small,
knowing smile. “Remember who introduced you.”
“Okay, babe, we’re done with this
“Love you, honey.” She giggled,
kissing his cheek, and walked back to the group.
Dani grinned and called,
“Austin’s in his office hiding, Mack.”
He nodded. “I’m gonna join him.”
That comment elicited a mass of
giggles as Mack high-tailed it out of the room. He stopped in his office first,
partly to grab a file and partly to take a minute to compartmentalize Kim’s
observation. Fuck! He hated that she knew him so well. Hated that he’d let her
in, but that was Kim. She pushed until you either told her to fuck off or just
went with it, and he loved her too much to tell her to fuck off, so he was
stuck with one highly observant, highly annoying woman.
He reached for the folder he wanted
to get Booker’s feedback on and dislodged the picture of Darien he kept hidden
on his desk. He shook his head. God, she was beautiful. He ran a finger gently
over her cheek and
Gary Paulsen
Stuart Palmer
Lily Thorn
Roxanne Rustand
Richard Peck
Joann Baker
T. L. Shreffler
Rachelle Ayala
Vicki Robin
Elif Shafak