Miss Matched

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Book: Miss Matched by Shawn K. Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn K. Stout
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then, you’re going to clean your closet right after you scrub the inside of the microwave?”
    â€œYep . . . huh?” said Fiona. “Wait a second.”
    â€œGotcha.” Mrs. Miltenberger laughed. “So, you’ve got a boyfriend coming over?”
    â€œGross nuggets, I don’t have a boyfriend,” said Fiona. “Loretta is coming over.” Then she saw her car coming down the street. “She’s here!” Fiona ran out the front door to meet her.
    â€œI got your message,” said Loretta, getting out of her car. “What’s the watcher emergency?”
    Fiona looked in the window of Loretta’s car for the letter. “Um, did you get your mail today?”
    â€œAs a matter of fact, I did. Why?”
    Fiona stomped her foot nervously. “Did you read it?”
    â€œAs a matter of fact, I did.”
    â€œOh.” A corned beef feeling came over Fiona.
    â€œOkay if I come in?” asked Loretta. “The watcher emergency, you know.”
    â€œOh, right,” said Fiona. “Okay.”
    â€œLoretta, what a nice surprise,” said Mrs. Miltenberger, greeting her at the door. “Come on in.”
    â€œSo,” said Fiona. “Did you get anything interesting in the mail today?”
    Loretta reached into her corduroy purse and pulled out a piece of paper. Then she did something Fiona didn’t expect. She covered her face with her hands and started making these wheezy hiccupping sounds.
    â€œWhat’s the matter?” asked Fiona. She thought she’d be happy to get a letter from Oliver Piff. But then again, maybe she was sad because she would have to break up with Jeremy Bridgewater. Who knew? The mystery of teenagers.

    Loretta held out the letter, and that’s when Fiona could tell she was laughing. “What’s so funny?”
    â€œRead it,” said Loretta.
    Fiona and Mrs. Miltenberger read it at the same time.
    My favorite and biggest fan Loretia Gormley,
    I am sorry I did not write you a leter before this one. I am very busy on Heartaches and Diamonds where I am character that’s in all sorts of scenes with other people. You’d think I’d be matched up with someone else, because I am very cute and have beautiful eyes, but I am not. When I read your letters, it makes me think YOU are my match, Loretia Gormley.
    Maybe we can meat someday even though you live in Maryland and I live in Californa. If you like-like somebody now, please stop. I can’t bare to think about you like-liking somebody else. Check the box below and sign your name if you agree.
    Okay, I will stop like-liking Jeremy.
    Sign here:________
    Your match 4ever,
    Oliver Piff (that’s Noah Wycroft on TV)
    Before Fiona could get to the end, Mrs. Miltenberger was laughing so hard she had to sit down.
    â€œI don’t get it,” said Fiona. She looked at the letter again and saw a couple of misspellings and wrong words, but nothing that made her laugh. “What’s so funny?”
    â€œIt’s Lor-ee-sha,” said Loretta, hardly able to talk. “Not Loretta.”
    Oh. So, Milo wasn’t the best typer and she wasn’t the best speller. Still, it wasn’t that funny.
    â€œJeremy’s younger brother wrote this to try to break us up,” said Loretta. “Fiona, was this your watcher emergency?”
    Fiona nodded. “Wait a second, how do you know that Milo wrote it?”
    â€œMy admirer,” said Loretta, grinning. “When I called Jeremy and told him about the letter, he had a talk with his brother. He was really very sweet about it.”
    â€œSweet about what?” asked Fiona. She was more than confused. She was lost.
    â€œAbout me,” said Loretta, putting her hand over her heart. “Milo has a crush on me.”
    â€œLet me get this straight,” said Fiona, shaking her head clear. “Milo has liked you all this time. I mean, he like -likes you, and

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