Miss Matched

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Book: Miss Matched by Shawn K. Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn K. Stout
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ad!” Fiona yelled when she got home.
    â€œIn the study!” he called back.
    She ran down the hall and poked her head in the door. “Do you have Loretta’s phone number?”
    â€œLoretta?” Dad squinted his eyes like he had to think about that one. Sometimes he liked to pretend he didn’t know what Fiona was talking about. Which Fiona usually thought was a fun game to play, but not when she was trying to stop a matchbreak.
    â€œCome on, Dad!” said Fiona. “You know, Loretta. My watcher.”
    â€œShould be on the phone list on the refrigerator,” he said.
    â€œThanks.” She started back down the hall.
    â€œHey, I want to talk to you,” he said.
    â€œRight now?” she said from the hallway.
    â€œSuits me.”
    Fiona stuck her head back inside the door. “Yeah, Dad?” She tapped her toe impatiently.
    â€œHave a seat,” he said.
    â€œBut . . .”
    â€œIt will only take a minute,” he said. “I’ve hardly seen you lately, Dancing Bean.”
    Fiona sat in the chair across from his desk and waited. She couldn’t tell if she was in trouble or not. Dad was good at springing trouble on you.
    â€œRemember when I said that a student, Milo something or other, wanted to start a news program at your school?”
    â€œMilo Bridgewater,” said Fiona. “Also known as electrician, president, and D.O.O.M breaker-upper.”
    â€œWow, that’s quite a résumé,” he said. “Anyway, we’ve been talking to Principal Sterling, and she thinks it’s a great idea for WORD to be a partner.”
    â€œThat’s great,” said Fiona, getting up. “Sounds really fun.”
    â€œSit, sit,” he said. “That’s not all.”
    Fiona sat in her chair, but she couldn’t stop her feet from moving.
    Dad leaned forward at his desk. “This Milo fellow seems to be really interested in meteorology, and Principal Sterling wants Milo to be involved in producing that part of the news program.”
    â€œOh,” said Fiona.
    â€œWell, since you are the snow angel and give weather reports for the station,” said Dad, “I just wanted to see how you feel about that.”
    Fiona thought about what he was saying. Since Milo was going to still be president of the meteorology club, it made sense that he was part of the news program. She looked at her feet. They didn’t feel stepped on. “I’m fine about it.”
    â€œReally? You’re sure?”
    â€œCould I still do my snow angel weather reports at WORD if I wanted to?” she asked.
    â€œOf course,” he said. “This would only be for your school news program.”
    Fiona nodded. “Then, okay. Yep. Sounds fine and dandy. Can I go now?”
    â€œI’ll take a kiss first,” said Dad. “And then you can go. Unless you want to tell me more about this matchmaking club of yours and Harold Chutney’s hair.”
    â€œNo, thanks,” she said, and then she kissed his cheek and ran to the kitchen.
    She dialed Loretta’s number and left thefollowing message: “Loretta Gormley, we have a watcher emergency. Please report to the Finkelstein’s house as soon as you get this message. And do not open your mail. I repeat, do not open your mail. This is not a test.”

• Chapter 15 •

    F rom the front window, Fiona watched and waited for Loretta.
    â€œExpecting company?” asked Mrs. Miltenberger.
    Fiona kept her eyes out the window. “Yep.”
    â€œAnybody I know?”
    â€œWell, don’t leave me in suspense,” said Mrs. Miltenberger.
    Fiona’s brain was set on how she was going to get that letter before Loretta read it. “Yep.”
    â€œFiona Finkelstein,” said Mrs. Miltenberger, “are you listening to a word I’m saying?”
    Mrs. Miltenberger cleared her throat. “So,

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