Lyrion's Gift [Elven Conceptions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Book: Lyrion's Gift [Elven Conceptions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Jade Astor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade Astor
Tags: Romance
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wondering what Kevris felt as he rocked up and down on the prince’s upthrust erection. Talek grunted and moaned with obvious excitement, while Kevris’s own moans of pleasure vibrated his tongue on Lyrion’s cock. As for Lyrion, his enjoyment was so intense that he could do little more than gasp for breath and whimper with need.
    At last, their joining reached its inevitable pinnacle. The prince began to buck and shudder first, and his release was followed by a splash of hot seed that dripped down Kevris’s clasped fingers. Lyrion lapsed into bliss last, though only by a few moments, his chest heaving as his cock jerked and pulsed between Kevris’s lips.
    Lyrion did not think he had ever experienced a sensation so overwhelming. Even his wits seemed to abandon him. At the very moment his body stopped trembling and Kevris withdrew his lips, a great black curtain threaded with gold seemed to fall over his eyes. Then his knees finally buckled and he slumped back onto the bed. Real darkness followed when Talek angled his head and blew out the candelabra.
    The three slept curled in a warm tangle of limbs and kisses and slow caresses. Adrift in the dark, Lyrion knew not whose hand stroked his shoulder or whose lips brushed his forehead. He could not deny that each felt equally pleasurable and welcome. Then his eyelids dropped, and he slept.
    * * * *
    The next sight he beheld was daylight streaming into the room through the casements and the prince stepping from the bed. On the other side of him, Kevris still slept. Lyrion noticed that the strand of jewelry had come loose from his cock at some point during the night and lay on the floor beside the prince’s bare feet.
    “’Tis time for me to assemble my ministers,” Talek said, stretching his graceful and well-muscled limbs. Random red marks adorned his magnificent body in several places, left there by the ardent kisses of Kevris and Lyrion himself. “They become lazy if I do not call them to account every morning.”
    He crossed the room, wrapping his body in a long length of soft red cloth, and peered into the corridor to summon a servant. Lyrion heard them speak in hushed tones before the prince shut the door again.
    “I shall take my bath in the Wardrobe,” he informed Lyrion. “The servants will prepare fresh baths for the two of you as soon as I am done. You may rise at your leisure.”
    “Thank you. I should like to rest a bit longer.”
    The prince paused to bend and touch his lips to Lyrion’s forehead. “Indeed. You must rest as long as you need and whenever you need. ’Tis the way one deals with these…conditions, I understand.”
    “My condition is not so far advanced as to require special treatment, surely,” Lyrion replied, amused. He did not feel any different, though the mark seemed to have grown again when he looked back down at it.
    “We must take no chances,” Talek said, adjusting his wrap around his shoulders. “I shall not allow the slightest harm to come to you or the future prince. Therefore you must take special care with everything you do. Promise me this.”
    “I do,” Lyrion said. The prince stepped away, and he closed his eyes as a warm wave of exhaustion swept over him. He slept again until he felt Kevris touching his shoulder to rouse him.
    “My limbs are quite sore from the night’s activities,” Kevris said. “I heard Talek say our baths were waiting. I should enjoy a hot soak, to be sure. Let us go before the servants run off and the water grows cold.”
    As he climbed out of bed, he spotted his strand of jewels, still lying on the floor. He bent to pick them up.
    “Why do you wear those?” Lyrion asked.
    Kevris raised a brow. “They are meant to keep the prince’s attention,” he said. “’Tis a trick I learned when I worked in a brothel many years ago. But perhaps I don’t need them any longer.”
    After a moment’s consideration, Kevris straightened up and left them where they were.
    The two of them

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