preference for other men, but none were bold—or foolish—enough to challenge him about it. How different things must be in Lyrion’s native village. “You don’t have to go back,” he said. “I will understand if that is your choice. Kevris refused after the first time I took him. He has not seen my father since.”
Lyrion seemed to consider the possibility, but soon shook his head. “I will go again. ’Tis not the king’s fault his mind has betrayed him. He requires companionship, just as the rest of us do. Perhaps in time, he may recover at least some of his wits. If not, you will have given him as much happiness as you are able.”
“You are possessed of a truly kind heart,” Talek said, overcome by a rush of warm emotion. This man would raise his son, he reminded himself with pride. He stroked a hand across Lyrion’s face and followed it with a heartfelt kiss. Lyrion responded, tasting and licking at Talek’s lips. Talek loved the way he tasted, sweet and spicy all at once, the perfect mix of innocence and a passion he was just learning to express.
When they pulled apart, he saw that Lyrion’s pale lashes were brimming with tears.
“What has brought this on? Are these tears for my father?”
“Some of them are,” Lyrion confessed, clearly struggling to control himself. “But most are for my own Da and Fa. This life within me will be their grandson as well as the king’s. And I doubt they will ever see or hold him, or even know of his existence. They probably think I am dead. If your father’s pain is yet so sharp after so many seasons, how terrible must theirs be right now?”
Talek stared at him. He had no idea how to answer.
“My father did have one good idea,” he finally said, hoping to distract Lyrion from his sorrow. To his relief, it seemed to work.
“What was that?”
“Sweetened toadstools for dinner. They are known stimulate certain parts of the body, you know. I am a bit embarrassed to think that my mother was so partial to them. But then, perhaps that is how I came to be.”
“We had them that night as well,” Lyrion said, his hand going to the part of his tunic that covered the mark.
“Yes. True enough. And then, as well, they seem to have had the desired effect. So let us tell the kitchen servants to gather some. We will send a platterful to my father, too, if he still wants them by tonight.”
As they walked on, Talek curled his hand around Lyrion’s. The gentle fingers slid through his, both receiving and offering silent comfort.
Chapter 7
Lyrion stood in the center of the bed, his bare feet planted wide apart. Kevris’s mouth was sucking his cock with great enthusiasm and skill. At the same time, Kevris himself straddled the prince backward. Talek lay flat on the mattress, his hands braced against Kevris’s legs, thrusting up and into Kevris’s core. The strand of jewels around Kevris’s cock swung and clacked as he pumped his hips up and down. When Lyrion glanced down, he saw that he was using his own fist so that all of them would be satisfied at once.
Though the three moved together in a steady, almost savage rhythm, Kevris’s lips were surprisingly gentle on his flesh. Lyrion’s knees shook as pleasures crashed through him like summer thunder. Had their meal of sweetened toadstools really been that potent? It seemed difficult to believe, but their small and intimate feast for three had rapidly grown even more intimate. As the night wore on, their mutual lust only grew stronger. They had barely been able to wait until dinner had ended and they retired to Talek’s chambers before their bodies had curled together in passion.
Kevris’s mouth suddenly drove itself against Lyrion’s crotch with much greater force. His teeth grazed the tender flesh at his base while his chin pressed his achingly full bollocks. Tingling stabs of pleasure pulsed through Lyrion’s groin. These proved highly satisfying, to be sure, but he couldn’t help
Eva Lesko Natiello
Linda L Grover
Tracy Serpa
Gloria Whelan
Laura Dower
Pembroke Sinclair
The Love Detectives (SS)
Ashlyn Chase, Dalton Diaz
Michel Déon
Todd Strasser, John Hughes