Love's Last Chance
swam toward him.
    “Still got your suit?” he asked.
    “Yeah. Why?”
    “Hell, I’ve seen more fabric on a wallet
than on you.”
    “Are you complaining?” She stayed nearby,
treading water.
    He burst into laughter. “Never! Never
complain about an almost naked woman.”
    He’s still looking at me like that. Yeah,
me and probably every other girl on the beach. She frowned as
reality poked its head into her cocoon. She started swimming for
shore, and Johnny kept up with her. As they stood dripping wet,
goose bumps formed all over her body. God, it’s so good to feel
    “Come on. You’re freezing,” he said,
glancing at her and offering his hand.
    She took it and together they padded through
the hard, packed sand to where it became deep, hot, and soft, where
their towels lay. She laid out hers and plopped face down. Slipping
on her sunglasses, she stole a peek at him.
    Water ran down in rivulets through the dark
hair on his chest, making her want to dry him with her hands. He’s been working out. Always had a good body, but now it
was even better. Hard to believe he’s improved in five
years. Unable to stop staring, she jumped when his smooth voice
interrupted her lusty thoughts.
    “Earth to Dorrie, are you staying in
Manhattan?” He rubbed his pecs with his hands, pushing excess water
off his body. Dorrie’s breath caught as she watched him. Let me
do that.
    “Anyone home?” Johnny fairly shouted at
    “Oh! Sorry. Yes. No. Going back to L.A. in a
couple of weeks. I’m the choreographer for a new movie.”
    “Really? That’s great. New career?”
    She nodded. “After my ankle, I opened a yoga
and dance studio.”
    “Are you settling permanently in
    “Looks that way. If this film’s a success,
they plan to make it a TV series. I’ll finally be able to make some
money again.” Don’t tell him about New York yet. Was that a
flash of disappointment I saw on his face?
    “Congratulations. That’s a real achievement.
Will you be famous?”
    “Will you be able to say you slept with a
celebrity? Probably not.”
    “Hey! That’s uncalled for.” He turned his
head and stared out at the ocean.
    “I’m sorry. That was mean, wasn’t it?” She
reached out and patted his arm.
    “I’m doing pretty well on my own, you
    “In three weeks, I’ll be Senior V.P., Sales
Director for Atlantic Motors.”
    She sat up. “That is impressive. My
turn to congratulate.” She brushed his cheek with her lips.
    “I only wanted to know if you’d be able to
get back the celebrity you lost. That’s all.”
    She put her hand on his arm. “I’m really
sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”
    “A little history rears its ugly head?” He
raised one eyebrow.
    Dorrie wrung the salt water out of her long,
auburn locks. “What do you mean?”
    “You’re still mad at me, aren’t you?” He
faced her, his eyes searched hers.
    “Don’t think so.” She lowered her gaze.
    “I think so. And I still don’t know why.” He
sat back away from her.
    For breaking my heart? For sleeping with me
then moving on to someone else the next weekend? For wanting to
come back into my bed again the weekend after, as if it were my
turn in the rotation? You don’t know, really?
    Tears stung at the backs of her eyes as the
memory of her heartbreak returned. Oh, God, it was five years
ago. Let it go. Damn. Don’t cry. She took a big, shuddering
breath and turned to face the waves, watching the tide roll out.
“This is still one of the most beautiful places on Earth,” she
said, changing the subject.
    “That it is. And it’s even better when
you’re sober enough to notice.” He chuckled.
    She grinned at him. Maybe he’s grown up a
little, eh?
    Movement in the sand diverted her attention.
She looked up to see Drake looming large with a big beach
    “How’s the water?”
    “Chilly but refreshing,” Dorrie replied.
    “Spare towel? Gimme that,” Johnny snatched a

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