just too undisciplined right now. You’ll learn how to keep your privacy eventually.”
“Is that why I can’t hear all your thoughts?”
Bastard has one up on me.
James nodded. “I do. That’ll change though, don’t worry.”
Corey hoped it would, and soon. He liked James, thought he was attractive as all hell, but that didn’t mean he wanted the other man
having access to his every thought. Sometimes he had real dodgy
The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate 65
things pass through his head at random, and he didn’t want to be sharing any of those embarrassing thoughts with anyone, not even a husband.
Or a mate.
“So what do I need to know?”
James looked at him, tilting his head a little as he did. “You’re taking all this in pretty well, considering what I just told you.”
Corey hooked his fingers into the pockets of his new borrowed jeans, and then he found a rock to kick around in the dirt. Like yesterday, they were in the same place that James and he had been, both naked with James trying to teach Corey how to have his first transformation.
It seemed that part of why he couldn’t let his wolf out really was his own fault. By denying the attraction he felt toward his mate, he’d inadvertently denied his wolf. James had figured it out and rectified the situation by coming into Corey’s room last night.
“I guess, after everything that happened so far, I’m not really surprised anymore.”
Their time together still made him blush. Memories of their wolves running, chasing squirrels together—though Corey hadn’t been in control, he’d still remembered it—made him smile.
Going back to the main cabin this morning though, listening to all the cat calls and howls coming from James’s pack, all thirty or so members of them having heard them having sex, even from the separate cabins, had made him want to melt into a puddle of humiliation.
The worst had been when Old Maggie, the one lady everyone seemed to respect so much, had looked at him with shrewd eyes, and said that if he and James wished to have sex anymore, it was far more polite to move the bed frame away from the wall where it wouldn’t make as much noise.
Only then had Corey remembered that their rooms were right next to each other, and he was sure his face could be no other color but a
66 Marcy Jacks
bright, traffic-light red.
But maybe the headboard banging the wall wouldn’t be an issue anymore. Would he be expected to share a room with James now? They were mated after all, and now that Corey was in on the secret that everyone but him had known about since day one, it seemed like the logical thing to do.
Except that Corey didn’t know what the proper etiquette was for this situation, if there was any at all. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to have sex with James again after all this.
Well, scratch that, yeah , he wanted to have sex with him, but he still had a choice here, damn it. He wasn’t a mindless, horny robot.
“You don’t sound too happy about that,” James said.
It took a second for Corey to realize that James was responding to his earlier words and not his recent thoughts. “Should I be happy?” Corey asked, looking at him, agitated now. “In the last four days I was shot by my ex-boyfriend, kidnapped by werewolves, turned into one myself, had my house torched, made sick with the wolf inside me wanting out, and then told that I was mated to their alpha. These things keep happening, and no one has ever asked me if I wanted any of this. I had a life before I came here, you know. It wasn’t a lot, but it was there, and it was mine.”
James nodded, all patience and understanding. “I know.”
“How could you know?” Corey demanded. “You’re the alpha here, the one in charge. Everyone here does what you say, and now me, too, according to
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