Her Christmas Pleasure

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Book: Her Christmas Pleasure by Karen Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Erickson
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few more days.”
    “Pish-posh, Morton. You speak such nonsense, which surprises me, I must say. I have always considered you like a second son. Your father was the most trustworthy man I knew, and you’re just like him. And I see the way you are with Theodore. He adores you.”
    “And I adore him.”
    “Of course you do. Perhaps not as much as you adore his mother.” The silence after Urswick’s statement was telling. He knew. Somehow, he knew of Damien’s love for Celia.
    And he was giving his unspoken permission for Damien to pursue her.
    Damien stayed quiet. No matter what the earl said, he still wasn’t comfortable confessing his feelings. Not yet. He needed to consider everything first.
    His gaze went unerringly to where she stood. She watched him in return, a sweet smile curving her lips. Candlelight from the chandelier above shone upon her, and sheglowed. She was an angel, his angel.
    The countess stood at her side and watched the two of them stare at each other, a conflicted expression on her face.
    Damien frowned. He didn’t want to upset the countess. He wanted her approval. But what if she never gave it? What if she believed him poaching the widow of her beloved son?
    “The countess has her doubts,” Urswick said, “but never fear. I shall turn her around. I can be quite persuasive when I put my mind to it.”
    Damien turned to find the older man smiling and shaking his head. “I would never want to offend her.”
    “Trust me, you won’t. She’ll come around. Especially when you and Celia provide her with those grandbabies she secretly yearns for.”
    And with that final tidbit, the earl stalked off, humming a festive tune.
    Leaving Damien rather perplexed. What was he supposed to do, approach Celia while everyone watched? Confess his love for her, drop to one knee and ask for her hand in marriage?
    His skin tightened, and he breathed deeply. The pressure was enormous. He couldn’t ask for her hand. Not yet, not like this. He hadn’t even spoken to her today—besides the mundane good-mornings and how-are-you-today murmurings, that is.
    She laughed again at something the countess said; the sound swarmed him, heating his body from within. He loved her laugh. He loved everything about her.
    And he must tell her. But he needed to do so in private, not among her family during their celebratory gathering. Perhaps in the privacy of her bedchamber or his.
    If he got her alone, though, there would be little talking involved.
    Smiling, he started toward the refreshment table, which was laden with a plethora of delicious food and, more importantly, stiff spirits to drink. Liquor would surely calm his nerves and be just the thing. For his life was about to change for the better.
    Damien was so dashingly handsome, just the sight of him made her heart melt. He was impeccably dressed in a dark gray suit, his snowy white cravat emphasized his masculine jaw and the darkness of his hair.
    How she wished she had the right to stand by his side. Thread her arm through his and offer her cheek, her lips to him for a kiss.
    But alas, she did not.
    Celia tore her gaze from him and smiled politely at the countess, who’d chosen this particular moment to become melancholy, recounting long-held memories of Lawrence.
    Not that Celia could blame her. This time of year had always been especially hard, what with family gathering close and reminding her that Lawrence was no longer with them. She’d shaken herself out of her sadness last year when she realized how important this time was to Theo. She needed to make happy memories and create new traditions for her son to carry with him as he grew older.
    Perhaps she could also create new memories and traditions with Damien.
    “Are you finding yourself in need of a man’s company, Celia? I’ve noticed you’ve spent an inordinate amount of time with Damien since he arrived.” The countess shook her head, sadness etched in her expression. “Do you not miss

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