for that.
And, indeed, Venus
have an atmosphere, a very pronounced one, and one that is far cloudier than ours. Venus is wrapped in a planet-girdling perpetual cloud cover, which was at once taken as adequate evidence that there was water on Venus.
The cloud cover does, unfortunately, detract from the hopeful views we can have of Venus, since it prevents us from gathering evidence as to its fitness for life. At no time could astronomers ever catch a glimpse of its surface, however good their telescopes. They could not tell how rapidly Venus might rotate on its axis, how tipped that axis might be, how extensive its oceans (if any) might be, or anything else about it. Without more evidence than the mere existence of an atmosphere and clouds it was difficult to come to reasonable conclusions about life on Venus.
Mars’s, on the other hand, is at once less hopeful and more hopeful.
It is less hopeful because it is distinctly smaller than Earth. Its diameter is only 6,790 kilometers (4,220 miles) and its mass is only 0.107 that of the Earth. With a mass only 1/10 that of Earth it is not exactly a large world, but on the other hand it is 8.6 times as massive as the Moon, so it is not exactly a small one, either. It is, in fact, twice as massive as Mercury.
Mars’s surface gravity is 2.27 times that of the Moon and is just about that of Mercury. Mars, however, is four times as far from the Sun as Mercury is, so that Mars is considerably the cooler of the two. Mars’s gravitational field need deal with considerably slower molecules for that reason.
It follows that although Mercury is without an atmosphere, Mars may have one—and it does. Mars’s atmosphere is a thin one, to be sure, but it is distinctly there. Mars is presumably drier than the Earth, for its atmosphere is not as cloudy as Earth’s (let alone Venus’s), but occasional clouds are seen. Dust storms are also seen, so there must be sharp winds on Mars.
The more hopeful aspect of Mars is that its atmosphere is sufficiently thin and cloud free to allow its surface to be seen (rather vaguely) from Earth. For centuries, astronomers have done their bestto map what it was they saw on that distant world. (At its closest, Mars can approach as closely as 56,000,000 kilometers [34,800,000 miles] to Earth, a distance that is 146 times as far away from us as the Moon.)
The first to make out a marking that others could see as well was the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695). In 1659, he followed the markings he could see as they moved around the planet and determined the rotation period of Mars to be only a trifle longer than that of Earth. We now know Mars rotates in 24.66 hours compared to Earth’s 24.
In 1781, the German-English astronomer William Herschel (1738–1822) * noted that Mars’s axis of rotation was tilted to the perpendicular, as Earth’s was, and almost by the same amount. Mars’s axial tilt is 25.17° as compared with Earth’s 23.45°.
This means that not only does Mars have a day-night alteration much as Earth has, but also seasons. Of course, Mars is half again as far from the Sun as we are, so that its seasons are colder than ours. Furthermore, it takes Mars longer to complete its orbit about the Sun, 687 days to our 365¼, so that the seasons on Mars are each nearly twice as long as ours.
In 1784, Herschel noted that there were ice caps about the Martian poles, as there were about Earth’s poles. There was one more point of resemblance in that the ice caps were assumed to be frozen water, and therefore to serve as proof there was water on Mars.
Mars and Venus both looked like hopeful possible abodes of life, certainly far more hopeful than the asteroids or the Moon or Mercury.
In 1796, the French astronomer Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749–1827) speculated on the origin of the Solar system.
The Sun rotates on its axis in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from a point far above its north pole. From that same
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