Hard Rock Unrehearsed

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Book: Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Van Dalen
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him and stalked off after Jade.
    As Diego swung around he caught the self-satisfied smirk on Marcella’s face and the rage he felt at himself he turned loose on her.
    “Why the fuck did you come here tonight?  I told you I would let you know if I could get you and the girls onto the list!”
    “Don’t be a dick Diego!  You wanted to get laid as much as I did even though you said no.  I wanted to see you.  I want you but you keep on pushing me away.  Is it because you have the hots for her yourself?  Just like your brother used to have.”
    Diego cursed viciously.  “Keep my brother out of this Marcella. Let’s go.  I’ll take you downstairs and put you in a taxi to take you back to your hotel.”
    Diego marched her to the lift and out into the foyer.  He waited with her until her taxi arrived and while they waited she was all over him.  Only when the taxi pulled away did he allow himself the luxury of contemplating the shit load of trouble he was in.  He was supposed to be in charge of security and he had fuckin’ broken his own rules.  Making his way back upstairs he stood in front of Jade’s room with his hand lifted to knock when sanity intervened and he dropped his hand.  It was better this way.  Better that Jade was under the impression that he was fucking Marcella, a woman she hated.  She could never feel anything for him anyway.  She still loved Val, still carried his ring around her neck.  Dropping his head he turned and walked away, never noticing RJ watching him through the door he had opened to a small crack.
    Over the next few days Diego realised he was slowly but surely being moved out of the inner circle of the band.  The guys weren’t nasty or anything, in fact they were incredibly polite as they made it clear that he was no longer welcome to hang out with them.  Jade or Tag must have talked.  He was pissed but could do nothing about it, as he was guilty of breaking the rules.  He knew his dad had noticed the latest developments and it was just a matter of time before he would want an explanation as to what was going on.  Shit would hit the fan when he found out.  His life sucked and it was his own fault.
    Jade avoided him as if he had the plague.  She spoke to him only if she had to, but mostly she left it to Tag to communicate for her.  He missed her.
    Even if she hated him he watched over her like a hawk.  Nothing was going to get to her on his watch.
    But he didn’t know about her insomnia or the way she tried to combat it.
    Jade’s insomnia had caused one good thing to happen.  She had started writing music again.  Now she no longer paced.  She spent her nights in front of a piano composing, writing lyrics and music that came from deep inside of her.  The only thing missing was someone to share it with.  Not that she didn’t share it with Tag, she did!  But she would have liked to have another muso listen to what she had been working on and give her an opinion.  She was going to have to call Cat.
    The pace of the tour was hellish.  They were almost five weeks into it, one city after another flew by and the hotel rooms started to look the same.  There was never time enough to take in the sights or even go out to just buy a hotdog!  Not while the paps were rabidly after her.  The food started to taste like cardboard and Jade had trouble eating the stuff.  She forced herself to though because she needed the energy to keep her strength up.  Tag kept her going with energy bars, fruit and special treats he would go out and buy.  The breaks between tour dates felt as if they were getting shorter and shorter and Jade’s temper was starting to fray.  She constantly had to watch her tongue so as to not say stuff she would regret.  She knew it wasn’t only the hectic pace and totally unnatural life they were living but also her silent war with Diego.
    He wasn’t letting her cut him out of her life.  He forced her to talk to him by addressing her directly

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