Going Under
he turned away from me and Mrs. Tanner shut the classroom door, then joined us in the circle as she usually did.
    “Today we’re going to continue discussing our six ingredients for creativity. You may keep your previous partner or choose a new one, but I want you and your partner to pick an ingredient you have not yet discussed.”
    I didn’t make a move, and neither did Jessie, making us partners for the hour. “What have you and the others discussed?” I asked, while staring at our options remaining on the board.
    “She speaketh?” he asked sarcastically.
    I looked at him and rolled my eyes. “You and I covered Seeing In New Ways on Monday. What did you cover with Brad yesterday?”
    “Recognizing Patterns.”
    “That’s good because Kara and I covered that one yesterday. Do you have a preference for today?”
    “I think Challenging Assumptions is appropriate, would you agree?”
    “Challenging Assumptions is fine with me.”
    I opened the assignment envelope provided by Mrs. Tanner and read the directions aloud, “List three assumptions you have made about your partner and provide evidence why you have made the assumption. When your lists are completed, be prepared to agree with your partner’s opinion or persuade the opinion of your partner.”
    “That doesn’t seem a whole lot different than our preconceived notions activity on Monday,” he complained.
    “All of these partner exercises are intended to make us more comfortable with each other to promote our creativity without fear of rejection. This exercise is a little different because you must show evidence for your assumption, rather than accept it simply as opinion,” I explained.
    He looked a little worried. “This could get interesting. I might learn how little you truly think of me. I hope I don’t get my feelings hurt too badly.”
    I didn’t respond to his comment as I opened my composition book to begin my list of assumptions. He finished before me, and although I didn’t look up at him, I felt his stare as I continued working on my list.
    “If you don’t stop staring at me, I’m going to make the assumption that you are creepy,” I threatened.
    “You haven't looked up at me, so what makes you think I’m staring at you?” he laughed.
    “I don’t think, I know you are because I feel your eyes on me.”
    “Should I assume that makes you psychic or psycho?”
    “Whatever!” I said through my gritted teeth.
    “Whatever is what one says to admit defeat without actually admitting it,” he taunted.
    Whoa! That got my attention and I looked up from my notebook to ask, “Where did you come up with that bull? Do you make it up as you go?”
    He seemed pleased with capturing my full attention and said, “I did not make it up. It’s a well known fact.”
    It was time for us to get on the same page. “Let’s get one thing straight; I’m not easily defeated, but if I ever am, you won’t know it unless I want you to know it.”
    He looked at me and hesitated before asking, “Are you finished tearing me down with your list of assumptions because I’ve been finished with yours?”
    “I’m ready so let’s do this. I’ll even go first,” I offered.
    “Not a problem, Princess.”
    “You smoke cigarettes, so I assume you do not care about your health.”
    Hah! I’d like to see him argue that one.
    He nodded as though he was caught and said, “You partially have me on that one. I smoke, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about my health. I didn’t understand the risks when I started smoking because I was so young. Now that I am older, I want to quit, but it isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do.”
    “So, you are telling me you are too weak to quit?”
    That got his full attention. “Addicted to nicotine? Yes. But weak? No. Never mistake me for weak, Princess.”
    He didn’t have to convince me he wasn’t weak because I heard his strength when he spoke. I saw it in his eyes and in the persistence he showed when he

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