with your new friendship, you’re going to turn it into a flirtationship and tease him a little. In a couple of weeks, he will believe you’re ready to fall madly in bed with him, then you break it down for him and tell him he just got punked.”
This plan wasn’t coming together for me. “And just how will I have this flirtationship with Jessie Boone while I have a boyfriend?”
“A valid point,” she admitted. “You have to make him think you’re doing it behind Forbes’ back.”
“So, I have to trick Jessie and Forbes. That sounds risky to me.”
“Don’t worry, Forbes won’t find out if you’re careful and he won’t because I’ll have your back,” she reassured. “The beauty of the whole plan is that you are the one in control, not Jessie. You will make him jump through hoops to be with you under your conditions and I guarantee you’ll have him eating out of your hand.”
Payton could see my indecision, but knew the perfect words to push me over the edge. “Don’t forget how he embarrassed you in front of the entire football team and cheer squad with his little announcement. He basically told everyone he was doing you behind Forbes back. He as good as called you a slut.”
“You’re right, I’d love to wipe that arrogant, cocky grin off his face.” Even if it was one of the most handsome faces I’ve ever seen.
“Give it until Friday, then ease into the warming up stage of the scheme.”
It was a good plan once I got the gist, but we had no guarantee he wanted me to warm up to him. “You know your plan is worthless if he doesn’t like me, right?”
Payton smiled knowingly and said, “Trust me, he’s going to need a boner barrier to hide the tent in his pants when you’re finished with him.”
I spent the next three days doing a bang up job of ignoring Jessie, and per Payton’s orders, I got up earlier than normal this morning so I could make myself a little sexier for today’s activity of warming up to him. I was actually on time for the first time in my life and Payton was pleased with both my promptness and appearance when she arrived to chauffeur me to school for the last day since I was getting my car back this afternoon.
“Yes! You totally nailed the look I was going for and don’t forget-let him get a little closer and begin to let your guard down a little today. Try to get paired with him in Humanities class so it looks like you’re forced into talking to him.”
“Got it. That won’t be a problem because he’ll do anything to not be paired with the others.”
“Man, I wish I could be with you because I know you’ll make me proud.”
“Wish me luck.” I said, as we pulled into the parking lot. I saw him sitting in his truck smoking a cigarette and Payton was sure to park next to him.
Payton went ahead of me as I pretended to return to the car for something and I timed it perfectly for us to walk inside together with me only a few steps ahead. I was a little disappointed because we were half way to the front door and he hadn’t said a word, but then I heard, “Hey, are you going to force me into partnering with one of the brainiacs today?”
I didn’t answer as I continued walking, then heard, “I guess that’s a yes?”
I followed my usual morning routine and when I walked into Humanities, Jessie looked up at me when I entered the doorway. He watched me walk toward him, and although he expected me to ask Brad to swap seats again today, I sat in the desk next to him.
“Did you decide you were finished ignoring me?” he asked optimistically.
I busied myself by digging in my backpack, then pulled out a binder and opened it to prepare for class, not acknowledging him or his words.
“If you plan on continuing to ignore me, then why did you sit next to me? You could have done a much better job of it from across the room and you have to admit your silent treatment plan is screwed if we do the partner thing again today.”
When I still didn’t respond,
Paul Levine
Meredith Schorr
Clifford Irving
Brian Garfield
Sean Michael
Norah McClintock
Lucy Monroe
Suzanna Lynn
J. Craig Wheeler
Barb Stuckey