of the floor. Cameron sat behind it, brows drawn down in a frown, as usual, while he toyed with a pen on the desktop. An empty glass sat beside him with traces of what looked like milk in it and beside that was a mug with black coffee gently steaming.
“Don’t you ever smile?” she blurted.
“Hardly ever. What do you want?”
She looked around, stalling for time, searching for the courage that had once again deserted her.
“Nice office.”
The walls were pale in color and the floor looked like polished oak. She had been right about the minibar . It stood against the left-hand wall. Two chairs and a small sofa in black leather were grouped in front of it around a glass-topped table. The right side of the room was taken up by more desk space, shelves and various storage units. Every surface was taken up by every conceivable office machine and gadget. It was clear that this was very much a workspace and the organized clutter all around told her it was used often. Cam watched her in silence, waiting in that unnerving way of his. So , how do we go about this ? Do I just blurt it out or do I try to ease my way into it ? Right . How exactly do you ease into that particular subject ?“ Shame about the weather , oh and by the way …?” She snorted and Cam raised one eyebrow in query.
“Jayne? Was there something you wanted to ask me?”
“Yes. Yes, there is. I’ve been spending a lot of time the last couple of days on my own and, well, it’s given me time to think. I’ve been thinking about a conversation that Megan and I had a few months ago and I just wondered…” She walked up to the desk and leaned her hands on the polished surface, watching his face carefully.
“Are you a shapeshifter ?”
The pen dropped from his fingers and he placed his hand over it, stilling its movement. Shock followed by anger flickered briefly over his handsome features before he quickly schooled them back into their usual impassive lines.
“What the hell are you talkin ’ about? Are you off your bloody head, woman?”
“Nope. At least I don’t think so. So what about it, Cam, is that what you’re hiding from me?” She walked around the table to stand in front of him and noted the white-knuckled fist resting in his lap.
“ Dinnae be daft, there’s no such thing. Who’s been fillin ’ your head with this nonsense—Mary?”
“Now that’s interesting. That you should think it was Mary, I mean. I wonder what she would tell me if I asked her the same question.”
His gaze stayed steady on hers and there was suddenly a heat there that had nothing to do with anger. “She likes legends and fairytales and she’d tell you the same.”
“You’re probably right. She loves you and isn’t likely to reveal any of your secrets. Just so you know though, I’m not convinced.”
He reached for her hand and drew her into the vee of his legs.
“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to do my best to convince you I’m all man, won’t I?”
Jayne laughed. “That was a very bad line.” Cam grasped her hips and rubbed his cheek against her stomach. She shivered and combed her fingers through his unbound hair. “But effective.” His hands tightened on her briefly and a shudder ran through his big frame. He pulled her down onto his lap and buried his face in the curve of her neck. He drew in a deep breath as though savoring the scent of her skin and moaned. A fine tremor shook his body and she wrapped her arms around him. She felt the hard ridge of his arousal, the heat burning her even through the worn fabric of their jeans. Again he rubbed his cheek against her, like a cat marking its territory. He whispered, “ Oh , god .”
She urged his face up to hers and took his lips in a kiss that shook him with its intimacy. Jayne poured everything she felt into the kiss. She couldn’t get close enough. She wanted to climb inside him, wanted him inside her. Her skin felt sensitized, alive. Desperate for the touch of his hands. But
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