Finding the Magic

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Book: Finding the Magic by Cait Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cait Miller
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didn’t question the knowledge, she just felt it. The more time she spent near him, the more she felt she knew him. Somehow her feelings had slipped past lust and into something far less easy to define. Which was ridiculous, because they had hardly spent ten minutes in each other’s company since they arrived.
    She had only caught brief glimpses of him as he went to and from his bedroom. There had been one particularly charged encounter on the stairs when he had been returning from the gym. He had been dressed in shorts and a T-shirt which clung to his broad chest and had a towel around his neck. His burnished hair was slicked back into a ponytail. It had obviously been a pretty intense workout, sweat had dampened the hair at his temples and the front of his shirt. She caught the clean, sharp smell of it and felt the heat radiate from his body as he stood on the step below her. For endless moments, he had stared at her with an almost predatory stillness. His nostrils flared and his chest expanded as he drew in a breath and shuddered. A battle seemed to be fought and won within his eyes and he had slipped silently past her and on up the stairs. Jayne had been left breathless and he hadn’t even touched her.
    Mary talked about him very little, but when she did, it was with visible affection. As a child, he had apparently been a prankster. Playing tricks on the members of the household with annoying regularity. He had done things to and around priceless antiques which had made Jayne’s blood run cold.
    Now, Jayne saw a man who loved his family and friends but rarely showed it. She still thought he could be rude…and arrogant, though. Had it only been his parents’ deaths that had changed him? Why was he going to such trouble to isolate himself? Every time she saw him, she saw a longing and desire in his eyes that made her want to go to him. Take him into her body and heart and keep him there. She sighed. Megan was right, she read far too many romances. Still, there was no denying the feelings. Hadn’t Megan told her the very same thing about how she felt about Jack? Megan had told her a lot before she decided to get all cryptic.
    The hell with suspected. She knew Cameron was avoiding her. She also knew there were things he was keeping from her. Why exactly she was here, for instance, he had been a little too vague about that. So was Mary and let’s not forget Megan and Jack. They were all definitely hiding something. Dammit , why did everyone seem to be keeping secrets from her lately? It was beginning to get annoying. She was no fool and as impossible as it may seem she had a good idea what Jack’s secret was but was it Cam’s too? She thought about his big, muscular body, his—catlike?—grace of movement and the air of danger that surrounded him. That golden mane and the intensity of his amber gaze… She laughed. Or she could just be letting her imagination run away with her.
    Jayne glanced back toward the hallway and smiled. She could always just ask him. “So…Cameron, do you spend part of your time as a cat?” That would certainly get a response from him. What’s the worst that could happen? He wouldn’t throw her out. For reasons known only to himself, he evidently felt responsible for her and felt she was in danger. He couldn’t really avoid her more and still keep an eye on her. Or—if she really let her imagination take over—he might say yes and suddenly start sprouting fangs and claws and fur.
    Boredom and curiosity are wonderful and terrifying things. With a grin, she rose from the table, left the snowy scene behind her and headed for Cam’s office before she could change her mind.
    By the time she reached his closed door some of her boldness had seeped away but she gathered it back, knocked and walked into the large room. The curtains were open at the windows in front of her and the ones on either side, letting in the cold, gray light. A computer sat on a large curved desk in the middle

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