Abingdon, Edmund of, Archbishop of Canterbury 12, 37–8, 44–6, 50, 66, 68
Life of 45
Abingdon, William of, friar 68
Acaster, Roger of 9, 141n
Acre, John of, butler of France 129
Adelaide, wife of Arnoul (III), Count of Loos and Graf of Rieneck 19, 145n
Adomar, Count of Angoulême 3
wife of see Courtenay, Alice de
Agnes of Meran, Queen of France 62
husband of see Philip Augustus
Aldobrandesca, Margherita 133
husband of see Montfort, Guy de
Alexander II, King of Scotland 8, 18–19, 141n, 144n
sisters of see Margaret; Marjorie
wife of see Joan, sister of King Henry III
Alexander III, King of Scotland 29, 81
wife of see Margaret, daughter of King Henry III
Alfonso VIII, King of Castile 27
wife of see Eleanor
Alice of France, Countess of Ponthieu 146n
Alice, Lady, nurse of Eleanor of Provence 90
Almain, Henry of, son of Earl Richard of Cornwall 98, 166n
captivity after battle of Lewes 103, 105, 106
murder 33–4
wife of see Béarn, Constance de
almsgiving 58–9, 85, 117–18, 118–19, 123–4
Alphonse, Count of Poitiers 81, 104
Alrewas, Staffs 84
Amesbury, Wilts, priory 113
prioress of 113
Amiens, Somme, France, Mise of (1264) 103
Andrew the Butler 118
Angeli, Brother J. 119
Angoulême see Isabella
Angoulême, Count of see Adomar
Anjou, Charles of 130, 133, 134, 182n
Annandale, Scotland, 114
Apulia 74
Aquitaine see Eleanor
Archer, Rowena 64
Arcy, Philippa d’, wife of Ralph 120, 178n
Arcy, Ralph d’ 120, 128, 175n, 178n
Arden, Richard of 107
Arienzo, Caserta, Italy 133
Arnoul (III), Count of Loos, Graf of Rieneck 19
wife of see Adelaide
Arthur, Duke of Brittany, son of Geoffrey 139n
Arundel, Countess of see Aubigny, Isabella d’
Asaji, Keizo xii
Ash, Thomas of 101
Assisi, St Francis of 12
Astley, Thomas of 114
Atripalda, Avellino, Italy 133
Aubigny, Isabella d’, Countess of Arundel 45
Aubigny, Philip d’ 9
Aumale, Counts of 26, 31, 35, 148n
Avellino, Italy 133
Avranches, Master Henry of 9–10
Awre, Glos 49
Axholme, Lincs, Isle of 127
Badgeworth, Glos 39, 49, 51
park 157n
Baldwin (IX), Count of Flanders, daughter of see Joan, Countess of Flanders
Balliol, Ingelram de 120
Balliol, John de 99
Barons’ War (1263–5) xi–xiv, 103–25
Basset, Gilbert 43
Basset, Philip, royal justiciar 100, 112, 174n, 179n
Bath, Hugh of 151n
Béarn, Constance, daughter of Gaston 134
husband of see Almain, Henry of
Beauchamp family, Earls of Warwick 147n
Beaujeu, Alice of, daughter of Guichard 146n
Beaujeu, Guichard of 22, 146n
wife of see Hainaut, Sibyl of
Beaulieu, Hants, abbey 166n
Beaumont, Adam de 144n
Beaumont, Amicia de 61
Beaumont, Robert (IV) de, Earl of Leicester 61
Beauvais, Vincent of, De eruditione filiorum nobilium of 142n
Becket, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury 37, 121
Bedford, Archdeacon of see Hecham ( alias Heyham), Master Nicholas de
Bémont, Charles 124
Bere Regis, Dors 170n
Berenguela, Queen of Castile 138n
Berkhamsted, honour of 36
Berkhamsted, Herts, castle, constable of 4
Bernwood forest 44, 57, 157n
Béthune, Alice de, daughter of Baldwin 26, 32, 35, 148n
Betteshanger, John of 175n
Bezill, Mathias 53
Bigod, Hugh, Earl of Norfolk 34
wife of see Marshal, Matilda
Bigod, Hugh, justiciar 101
Bigod, Roger, Earl of Norfolk 51, 79, 154n
Bigorre, Countess of see Montfort, Petronilla de
Bigorre, France 169n, 170n, 182n
Birrel, J. 152n
Biset, Manasser 142n
Biset, Margaret 11, 142n
Blaauw, William H. xi–xii
Blanche of Castile, Queen of France 10, 92, 142n
Bluet (or Bloet) family 156n
Bluet (or Bloet), Ralph 52, 54
Bluet (or Bloet), William 51, 54, 154n, 155n
Bodiham, Simon of 175n
Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Hereford and Essex 161n
Bohun, Matilda de 78, 164n
husband of see Marshal, Anselm
Bolett, messenger of Countess Eleanor 118
Bordeaux, Gironde, France, Dominican priory, chapel of St Peter the Apostle in 84
Bosellis, Brother Gregory de, friar 82, 166n
Bosham, Sussex 47, 153n, 154n
Boulogne, Count of 145n
Boulogne, Countess of see Mahaut (II)
Bouvines, Nord, France, battle of (1214) 3, 19
Boyon, Brother G. 13,
Augusta Li & Eon de Beaumont
Charlene Sands
Cathy Tully
Veronica Heley
Jeffrey Archer
Chrissie Loveday
Cynthia Garner
Cheryl Rainfield
Dyann Love Barr