trust me,” Egg said. “We’ve been friends a long time, Maddie, but maybe it’s time for me to log off.”
“What?” Madison felt her jaw drop open. Egg wasn’t serious, was he? “Thanks a lot,” she griped. “You’re mad because I won’t tell you all about my project, but you didn’t even pick me as your partner!”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Egg said.
“It has everything to do with everything!” Madison said loudly.
Mr. Books poked his head around the corner.
“Ms. Finn,” Mr. Books said, “I suggest that you and your friends keep your voices down. I like quiet in my library.”
“Sorry. But, it doesn’t matter,” Egg declared. “Because Chet and I were just leaving.”
“Very well,” Mr. Books said, walking away.
Chet made a face. “That guy acts so strange sometimes.”
“He’s not the only one!” Egg said, looking directly at Madison. He turned on his heel and strode away. Chet gave Madison a quick, apologetic look and hurried after his friend.
Madison slumped in her chair for a moment, arms crossed. She had come to the media lab to do some work on her webpage, but she had gotten nothing done. And there was no way she could work on it now—her mind was totally overloaded. She closed her files and started packing up to leave. Fresh air would make her feel better.
When Madison stepped into the bright sunshine, her body flooded with warmth and she felt her mood change. Checking her watch, she decided to head over to the soccer fields. Fiona’s practice would be finishing up soon. Maybe a talk with her BFF would help her forget about her argument with Egg?
The girls’ soccer team was running drills when Madison reached the sidelines. Fiona spotted Madison right away and jogged over.
“Hey, we’re almost done,” she said breathlessly. “Can you wait a few?”
“Sure,” Madison said, dropping her backpack on the soft grass. It was still a little damp from rain the night before.
“Hey, Maddie!” Daisy called from the field. She winked and gave Madison a big thumbs-up. Madison took that to mean that Daisy had read the e-vite.
Madison watched as Fiona and her teammates practiced penalty shots and kicking into the goal. Fiona was really good. The goalie had a hard time keeping up with her powerful kicks.
Before dismissing the team, the coach had everyone huddle up so they could end practice with a quick cheer. Fiona trotted over to Madison.
“Thanks for waiting,” she said, picking up her bag from beside the bench.
“No prob,” Madison said. She and Fiona fell into step as they walked away from the field.
“I’ve got some very interesting news,” Fiona said, smiling
“What?” Madison asked.
“My dumb brother left his webpage up on the computer last night, and I saw it,” Fiona said, waggling her eyebrows.
Madison stopped in her tracks. “You’re kidding!”
Fiona shook her head. “No lie. You won’t believe this—it’s an all-science site, and it’s loaded with all these crazy graphics. It even plays this dumb song, which was totally in my head all night.” Fiona groaned.
“Sounds really flashy,” Madison said, biting her lip.
“Yeah, flashy,” Fiona said with a snort. “But it takes forever to load. I think that’s why Chet wandered away from the computer—he got sick of waiting for it to pop up.”
“Hmmm.” Madison pressed her lips together, thinking of her and Fiona’s webpage. Sure, it was useful and had a lot of links. It was functional, just as Mrs. Wing and Dad said it should be. But would the judges be more impressed with cool graphics and music? She thought again about adding the sounds …
“And now Chet’s asked Mom and Dad for WebScore 3000 for his birthday,” Fiona went on. “It’s supposed to have amazing graphics for webpage design. But—whatever—our birthday is on Saturday and the webpages are due Friday. It’s not like he’ll really have time to use it—”
A chill skittered down
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