Double Dare (From the Files of Madison Finn, 14)

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Book: Double Dare (From the Files of Madison Finn, 14) by Laura Dower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Dower
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Madison’s spine. Fiona had just said the word birthday twice. Madison remembered Daisy’s wink. Had she let anything slip to Fiona about the party?
    “Uh … right … Saturday,” Madison said, trying to sound nonchalant. “Your birthday’s this weekend. Are you guys doing anything?”
    Fiona sighed. “Just the same old same old, I’m sure,” she said. “Mom’s barely even mentioned it this year.”
    “Do you know what you want?” Madison asked, looking at her friend’s face carefully. Was Fiona just pretending not to know?
    Fiona kicked at a stone on the sidewalk. “I don’t know what I want,” she said. “I’ve barely even thought about it. The thing about my birthday, Maddie, is that it isn’t ever totally special, because I always have to share it with HIM. Argggh!”
    Madison chuckled at the reference to Chet. And she was now satisfied that Fiona had no clue about the party plans.
    Either that, or Fiona deserved an Academy Award for this performance.
    So the surprise was still on—full steam ahead.

Chapter 8
    W HEN MADISON GOT HOME, she rushed up to her room to boot up her computer and check her e-mail. Had anyone responded to the e-vite? When the screen popped up, she nearly fell off her chair.
Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
Re: Fw: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
Thank You!
See You Soon
    Madison squealed. There were so many responses so soon—and some were from e-mail addresses that she didn’t even recognize!
    “But what if …” Madison’s mind wandered. “What if these are e-mails saying people can’t come to the party? Oh, no!”
    She quickly selected the first note at the top of the list.
From: Balletgrl
    To: MadFinn
    Subject: Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 10:14 AM
    Sorry, Maddie, but I’m busy that day. J/K!!! The e-vite looks great—I love the TOP SECRET stuff you added!!!! This is going to be such a blast!!!!
    Of course I’m coming … I cannot wait for us to make the cake. CU tomorrow. I’ll bring the frosting like I said.
    Hugs and kisses,
    p.s. I bet ur stressing out about the invites, but DON’T. They look great and I know everyone will come!!!
    Madison laughed, feeling slightly less stressed. Aimee was such a good BFF. She knew exactly what Madison was feeling sometimes before Madison even felt it. Madison moved onto the next e-mail, from Lindsay Frost.
From: LuvNstuff
    To: MadFinn
    Subject: Re: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 12:22 PM
    Hi, Maddie! This looks like so much fun—I’ll definitely be there.
    Thank Mrs. Waters so much for inviting me!
    The next two e-mails were both acceptances, too. Drew said he couldn’t wait until Saturday and Daisy asked what she should wear. Madison breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did it look like this party was really going to happen, but people were sounding genuinely excited about it.
    Madison had to catch her breath when she opened the next e-mail reply.
From: Sk8ing Boy
    To: MadFinn
    Subject: Re: Fw: Shhh! Top Secret Party!
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 1:16 PM
    Hey, Finnster! Egg told me no blading on Sat. I guess THIS is why. You are totally gonna surprise them. I’ll be there 4 sure. Coolness!
    I really like the invitation, BTW.
    Madison reread Hart’s e-mail five more times. He didn’t just like the invitation—he really liked it. Madison hit SAVE and moved the e-mail into its own special file: HJ.
    Even better than getting the e-mail from Hart, however, was NOT getting one from Ivy or her drones. Did this mean that they hadn’t gotten the e-vite? Or were they NOT coming? Madison could only cross her fingers and toes. She’d have to be patient and read on.
From: Waters
    To: MadFinn; Balletgrl
    Subject: Thank You!
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 2:01 PM
    Aimee and Madison,
    I am so impressed with all the work you girls have done. This

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