Call On Me

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Book: Call On Me by Angela Verdenius Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Verdenius
Tags: Romance, Sex, Humour, cats, love, handsome hero, BBW, writer, laughter, sexual heat, plussize heroine, receptionist
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it all in – the atmosphere, the surroundings, the ghost story, no
doubt cataloguing his own reactions and emotions as he waited. It
was as though these excursions rejuvenated him, speared him on to
write his horror and thriller stories, inspiration filling every
corner of his agile mind.
    For as long as
she’d known him, he thrived in these situations, yet he refused to
take ghost hunting paraphernalia with them, simply bringing along
his video recorder to capture anything if it appeared. He loved the
plain thrill of the simplicity in simply watching and waiting or
searching, but without the technology used by serious ghost
hunters. For him it was the thrill, the atmosphere, the
imagination. The fun.
    And sucker for
a good ghost story and hunt, Ali followed happily along on his
jaunts into the unknown. He thrilled, she chilled. It was the way
they did it.
cross-legged, she watched the pond and waited.
    A chill crept
through the air, no doubt by the dew that was starting to gather. A
light breeze rippled the surface of the pond and not far away an
owl hooted.
    The minutes
ticked past. Slowly her tension tightened, winding tighter, but as
time passed and nothing happened, she started to relax.
    Just another
wild story. Thank God. But what a disappointment, too. As usual,
she had mixed feelings.
sideways at Ghost, she saw that he was still watching the pond, his
eyes half closed, thick eyelashes hiding his brown eyes from sight.
Motionless, he lounged back, his handsome face not giving away his
thoughts. Every breath he took was deep and even. Calmness
practically oozed from his pores.
    Yep, no matter
how scary the situation got, he remained calm, cool-headed, and
controlled. So calm right now, in fact, that he looked like he
could almost fall asleep.
    Which would
leave her awake to face a possible scary ghost. Not happening.
Stretching out one leg, she turned to face him, reaching out to
touch his shoulder. “Ghost?”
    “Mmm?” He
didn’t move an inch.
    “I don’t think
she’s coming.”
    “Parker’s scary
story is just that, a story.”
    “Do you think
She gestured to the pond. “Nothing there and-”
    There was no
laughter in his tone. Without shifting he reached out and grab her
thigh, his large hand curving over her. Instantly she obeyed,
freezing. His lashes had lifted and now she saw his brown eyes were
alert, tracking something, and her heart started to beat fast.
    Oh God, was it
the ghost? The spirit? Coming out of the water, floating
there… turning towards them ?

    Chapter 3
    Slowly, she
started to move her head around.
    “Stop,” Ghost
ordered, just as quiet but with authority ringing in his low tone.
“Stay dead still.”
    Oh sweet baby
Jesus! Her mouth went dry and her hands started to shake. It was
the spirit!
    Staring at
Ghost, Ali was just a fraction relieved when he glanced up at her
reassuringly, although there was no laughter in his eyes. It wasn’t
a joke, something bad was near and he didn’t want to draw attention
to themselves. Nor did she. No way did she want a ghost to come
right up to her. Ever.
    Oddly, Ghost
just kept looking into her eyes and she saw the concern within the
calm brown depths. And then she felt it, a weight on her ankle,
something touching her.
    Every nerve
tightened and she had the overwhelming urge to leap up and scream.
The only thing that stopped her was his hand tightening on her
thigh in warning and his eyes narrowing slightly.
    Staying still
while something slid over her ankle, the weight heavy. The spirit’s
hand? Was it touching her? It was touching her! Her breath
fastened, her mouth opening a little, her breath coming out in
small gasps.
    Ghost kept her
gaze trapped with his and all she could do was gaze helplessly at
him, fear riding her hard but her faith in him unshaken. If he said
to be still, then she sure as hell wasn’t going to argue. Maybe the
spirit was

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