Call On Me

Read Online Call On Me by Angela Verdenius - Free Book Online

Book: Call On Me by Angela Verdenius Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Verdenius
Tags: Romance, Sex, Humour, cats, love, handsome hero, BBW, writer, laughter, sexual heat, plussize heroine, receptionist
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over her face,
water pouring from her, her dress clinging to her body, but what
scared him the most, Ali, was the fact that some of the water
pouring from her was dark, really dark.” He paused.
    “Like blood?”
Ali whispered, mesmerized.
    “Like blood.
And now he could see her clearer, because she had turned slowly in
the air, turned around so that she was facing him, and then she
sort of drifted across the pond surface, her toes not quite
skimming the surface. He could see that it was blood pouring from
her. Not pond water, Ali, but blood.”
    Laying her hand
atop his where it rested on her belly, Ali squeezed.
    Ghost’s voice
remained hushed and she had to almost strain to hear him.
“Paralysed with fear, Parker could only watch…watch…as she came
closer, drifting ever closer, and then she was before him, and she
lifted her head slowly…so slowly…and the blood-drenched hair slid
back and he could see her face. Or what was left of it.”
    Oh crap, that
couldn’t be good. Ali swallowed.
    “No eyes, Ali,
just dark, bloody holes where the fish had eaten the eyes out.
Bloody sockets. Nose half eaten off, lips gone. Skin so white, so
thin, so rotten. She opened up her mouth and…”
    Tense, Ali
gripped his hand tighter.
Whipping around, Ali looked up at him.
    “Parker doesn’t
know. He woke up and she was gone.”
    “He woke up in
bed?” Ali asked ironically.
    “No, honey, he
woke up right here.” Ghost pointed down towards their feet.
    “Probably had
one too many to drink.” Suppressing a shiver, Ali glanced over her
shoulder at the pond.
    “He’d have
agreed, but he woke up drenched in pond water.”
    “Fell in.”
    “No. He was wet
with pond water and he hadn’t gone into the pond or dragged himself
out.” Reaching out, Ghost tugged a strand of hair that tickled her
chin. “He can’t explain it.”
    “Freaky.” Ali
looked down at her feet. If Parker had been fishing right here, had
fallen right here, then that meant – she swung around to stare at
the pond.
    “Yep,” Ghost
said calmly. “The woman came from there to here.”
Well, I’m going to sit way over there, waaaaay over there.”
Hurriedly, Ali started walking back towards the place he had left
the backpack. “Move it, Ghost.”
    “We’ve got
another five minutes yet.”
    “Five minutes?”
She moved faster. “Did you bring salt?”
    “And holy
    Amused, Ghost
followed. “Have you been watching ghost hunter shows again?”
    “Those hunters
are hot. And they carry protection.”
    “No! Salt and
holy water.”
    “I’m pretty
sure the holy water is for demons. Which this isn’t.”
    “Salt can be
used for ghosts.”
    “I don’t make a
habit of carrying around salt.”
    “Maybe you
better start studying their techniques.” Ali sat on the ground.
    “Oh honey,
where’s the fun in that?” Dropping to his knees beside her, Ghost
opened up the video bag and took the camera from it, turning around
to face the pond and raising the camera to his eyes, he started
adjusting the controls.
    “I just think
being prepared is a good thing,” Ali stated.
    “I’m prepared.
I’ve got the video camera in case the ghost appears, remember?”
    Shaking her
head, Ali trained her gaze on the pond, part of her wanting the
spirit to be real, to appear, but part of her was hoping it was
simply a wild story of Old Man Parker’s. Go figure, the thrill of
the spirit against the pure fear of the unknown.
    Ghost set up
the small tripod, going behind it to fix the camera to it, and
after ensuring it was in the direction he wanted, he finally sat
back down beside Ali and leaned back languidly on his elbows,
taking a deep breath and settling down contentedly.
    Amused, Ali
observed him from the corner of her eye. His gaze was on the pond,
his pose relaxed, but she knew he was just taking it all in,
including her own rising tension. Like a sponge he was just

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