fire and my back burns. I’ll be fine; I j-just need a moment.” The four ragged members of the rescue party stared down at Sara in disbelief.
“Shall I carry thee back to the keep?” Gavin offered.
“Nay,” Sara exhaled. “Just help me up, please.”
Gavin did so, but looked questioningly at Millie. At Millie’s imperceptible shake of her head, Gavin's jaw clenched.
“Thank God, Hannah. Art thou unharmed?” Sara asked, unsteadily examining her daughter’s body.
“I will be fine,” Hannah responded tremulously. “I would like to lie down for a bit, I think.”
“Millie, wouldst thou build up the fire in the master’s room and bring us our breakfast there? Hannah and I will rest today.”
“Of course,” Millie responded.
Adam and Gavin escorted the two women to the open bed chamber. “Adam,” Sara asked between surging back spasms, “wilt thou bring up some hot water for the bath? I would like to get Hannah washed up and warm.”
“Of course, My Lady,” he returned and bowed from the room.
Gavin pulled the hip bath down from the closet room and set it in the center of the room. “I will fetch the food so that Millie can get Hannah some dry clothes.” Gavin left the room.
Sara gasped as the pain returned and leaned over the bed for support.
Hannah, shivering, turned glazed eyes towards her stepmother. “Art thou injured?” she asked through clattering teeth.
After a few moments, Sara straightened. “Tis fine, Hannah. The pain comes and then goes. I think I have pulled some part of my body out of place. Twill get better with rest. I will have Millie heat a stone for my back.”
Walking to Hannah, she helped the young girl from her soiled clothing and wrapped her in a blanket, seating her by the fire. Soon, the pain returned and she was again leaning over the bed for comfort.
“H-has the babe been harmed?” Hannah asked, concerned over her mother’s flushed complexion.
“I...know not, Hannah. I haven’t felt the child move all day. I am worried. Tell no one.”
Hannah nodded. She knew that it was important for this child to be born healthy and a male. She was less worried, now that Sara had married, but she knew that a marriage must be consummated. Her stepmother was not in a condition to consummate the marriage and was therefore at risk of losing her husband to a more eligible bride. After today, she refused to think that the new Lord Sanders would ever do such a thing. However, she had seen how easily her own father had turned from dead wife, to mistress, to new wife without a moment's angst, or the slightest tear.
Why would this Lord Sanders be any different?
Both women watched, detached, as the food was brought in, and the hip bath filled. Millie helped Hannah to bathe and dress, then encouraged them both to climb into bed. Sara ate a few bites of her egg and bread and a few sips of cider before falling into a fitful sleep.
Hannah did not feel well enough to eat but choked down some cider and rested with the pillows propping her up. Breathing was difficult, after she had sucked down so much water. Every few minutes, she was racked with coughing.
Millie kept busy, placing a fire-warmed stone at the foot of the bed, creating a salve of strong herbs to help Hannah’s breathing, and monitoring Sara’s bouts of contractions. Millie felt no need to ignite Sara’s anxiety by telling her she was in the beginning stages of labor. Instead, she rather liked allowing Sara to believe that she was dealing with a simple strained back. She was relaxed and dealing with the pain. The baby would come much easier this way. The men had gone back to patrol the stream. When one came back for their noon meal, she would ask them to bring more water.
Quietly gathering the tools she would need to take care of her two patients, Millie hummed. She was happiest when she was using her healing skills. All too often lately she was forced to deny care to the diseased. Now, she had the chance to care for
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