[Yukon Quest 01] - Treasures Of The North

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Book: [Yukon Quest 01] - Treasures Of The North by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
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for, and he hadn’t even been able to give it to her on her deathbed. He shivered in spite of the heat. He could still see her eyes fixed on his face.
    ‘‘God knows your heart, Jacob Daniel,’’ she had whispered. ‘‘He knows your mind. Whatever it is that’s troubling you about saying yes to Him—He already knows.’’
    Jacob had supposed she had told him this to make him feel better, but instead it only bothered him more. If God knew—truly knew his heart and mind—then He knew that Jacob was a coward.
    Leaning against the wall for support, Jacob bit his lower lip to keep from crying. He’d failed his mother and he’d failed God. What hope could there be now?

    ‘‘BUT, FREDERICK,’’ Myrtle Hawkins tried to reason with her husband, ‘‘it’s impossible to give our daughter the wedding she deserves on such short notice. Why, July twenty-fourth is scarcely but days away.’’
    ‘‘It’s just under a week. Good grief, woman, God only needed a week to create the entire world. Do you mean to tell me a wedding takes more than that?’’
    Myrtle tried to soften her tone. ‘‘My dear, I am hardly divine. I can’t possibly be called upon to perform miracles. A proper wedding takes months to plan, organize, and prepare.’’
    ‘‘Well, you have five days. I suggest you get on with the arrangements.’’
    Myrtle folded her hands and tried hard not to lose her temper. She had already told Grace that this would be her final effort to get Frederick to see reason. If he refused, then Grace would accompany Doris and Karen north to Alaska.
    ‘‘Freddy,’’ she said, using her old nickname for him, ‘‘our daughter has pleaded to be heard on this matter. Won’t you reconsider?’’
    Frederick Hawkins looked up from his paper. ‘‘I should certainly reconsider the matter if it were in her best interest, but it is not. I’ve tried to explain this to you. . . .’’ His words trailed off as he looked suspiciously at the table maid. ‘‘Leave us!’’ he commanded, and the young woman scurried from the room as if her skirts were afire.
    Leaning toward Myrtle’s side of the table, Frederick lowered his voice. ‘‘This wedding is imperative. I can say no more. Our family will see ruin if we refuse Mr. Paxton.’’
    ‘‘But surely what the man has in mind—this blackmail—’’ Myrtle protested, ‘‘it can’t be legal. Can’t we go to the police or the courts? We have good lawyers on retainer; can we not present the case to them and allow them to earn their money?’’
    ‘‘No!’’ Frederick said, pounding his fist down on the table. ‘‘Confound it, woman, if you do not hear anything else I say, then hear this. Our Grace will marry Martin Paxton on July twenty-fourth. You will plan out the wedding and provide what comforts you can. There will be no other discussion on the matter.’’
    Myrtle realized in that moment that her husband had just set her plans into motion. Forgive me, God, if this is wrong, but I can’t help but feel that I’m saving Grace from complete destruction, she silently prayed.
    Getting to her feet, Myrtle swept the train of her gown aside. ‘‘Very well, Frederick. I will go forward with my plans.’’ At least she wasn’t lying.
    ‘‘You’ll see in the long run that it’s all for the best,’’ he assured.
    ‘‘I hope you’ll try to remember those words,’’ Myrtle replied. ‘‘I hope when Grace is far from us and you are lying awake at night wondering if you made the right decision . . . I hope your words still ring true.’’
    He said nothing, but the expression on his face spoke volumes. Myrtle wanted nothing more than to burst into tears, but she was no young maid to be given to moments of emotional waterworks. As a matron of society she had often had to stand her ground in stoic fashion. She would lend an illusion of wedding preparation to their home, but all the while she would be

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