I’d fall in love and get married.”
Gina laughed as she speared the broccoli. “You might not have, but I knew you would. That’s just the type of person you are. Me, I’m way too selfish for a real relationship. Besides, I like living my own life.”
Tina laughed. “You’re the least selfish person I’ve ever known. And as for you living your own life, you don’t know what that means. You’ve spent your entire life doing nothing but going to school, working, and taking care of people. You took care of Mama whenever we could find her and you practically raised me single-handedly. I remember all those nights you fed me and didn’t eat anything yourself.” She shook her head. “You did everything for everyone else.” She cut her meat looking more serious than Gina wanted her to. “You know, at first I was really against this thing you and Ben are doing. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe this is God’s way of giving you the winning lotto ticket.”
Gina shook her head. “Someone was going to get a boatload of money for marrying him, and I couldn’t come up with one good reason why it shouldn’t be me. Still,” she moved her food around her plate, “that doesn’t mean I’m proud of it.” She cut the meat. It was so tender; she could have cut it with the side of her fork. “I almost stopped the wedding halfway through. It’s all a farce, but I still had to say the words. Promising to love Ben in sickness and in health just felt wrong.”
“It would be different if Ben didn’t know the deal. It’s not as if you were lying to him.”
“No, I just lied to God. That’s so much better.”
“Okay, so that was wrong, but it’s nothing that can’t be forgiven. You did it for all the right reasons. That’s got to count for something.”
Gina brightened up. “Which reminds me. I’m going to make a deposit to your savings account. You and Sam need to start looking for a house in the ‘burbs.’” She did a quick calculation. She’d transferred $15,000 to the detective agency to start the investigation, which left her $35,000 in the bank. “I can write you a check for $30,000 today, and I’ll give you about the same amount next month. Between that and what you and Sam have saved, you’ll have enough for a down payment for your dream house.” Gina took a bite of her steak; it was much more palatable when she discussed what she could do to help Tina. “I’ll send you more every month so we can start paying off the mortgage. By the time Ben and I divorce, I want us both to own homes free and clear.”
Gina looked up from her plate and found Tina shaking her head. “Oh no. Sam and I can’t accept that kind of money from you. You know that. It was one thing when you were living with us and paying rent. But to take that much money from you? No way. But thanks for offering.”
Had Tina absolutely lost her mind? “Thanks for offering? Are you nuts? Call it a loan if you want. I don’t care. I just want to make sure you and Sam will never be put in the position to lose your home. Why do you think I did this, anyway? It wasn’t just for me, it was for you, too.”
Tina sat back and crossed her arms. “Don’t you dare get mad at me. As I recall, I wasn’t given a choice in the matter. You can’t just do things like this without discussing it with Sam and me. You don’t run our lives, we do. You have to stop this, Gina. It’s time to cut the apron strings.”
“What apron strings?”
Tina reached over and took Gina’s hand. “Gina, you know I love you, but I’m all grown up now. You’re not responsible for me anymore. I’m a big girl; I have my own marriage and my own career. I’m settled and happy. Maybe it’s time that you stop worrying about me and worry about you. You’re the only one in this room who’s not happy.”
“What are you talking about?” Gina looked at her sister and couldn’t help but be hurt. “It’ll be years before you and Sam can afford to move out of the
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